Cannot access Swift var from Objective-C View controller - iOS


Solution 1

You will have to declare the variable as public.

By default, the variables have internal access, that means they can be accessed only from inside their module. Obj-C code is not in their module.

Solution 2

Swift 4:

Use @objc keyword to access the swift variable.

class Car: NSObject {
    @objc let name: String
    @objc let numberOfWheels: Int
    let manufacturer: String

Solution 3

I had the same issue with an ObjectiveC enum, that was a variable in a Swift class and wasn't accessible in ObjectiveC.

Declaring the variable as public didn't work, instead I had to give the enum a default value when declaring it, for it to be included in the [project]-Swift.h header.

 var firstQuestion: AnswerResult = AnswerNone

The following didn't work:

var firstQuestion: AnswerResult!

Solution 4

With these all answers, sometimes compiler doesn't generate appropriate obj-c code for our swift code. In that case,

Just clean & build project.

Author by


I’m Daniel Sadjadian - Car enthusiast, computer programmer & entrepreneur running my own business. I live life to the max and try my best to get the most out of each day. Every moment counts :)

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Supertecnoboff
    Supertecnoboff almost 2 years

    I have an app with both Objective-C and Swift based view controllers. I am programatically opening a Swift based view controller from one of my Objective-C based view controllers. The problem I am having is that I can't access the Swift variables from my Objective-C code.

    My Swift code:

    @IBOutlet weak var profPicture: UIImageView!
    @IBOutlet weak var profVerified: UIImageView!
    @IBOutlet weak var profName: UILabel!
    var passedUser:PFUser!

    My Objective-C code:

    MyProfileViewController *screen = [[MyProfileViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"Main" bundle:nil];
    self.dataPass = screen;
    dataPass.profName.text = @"";
    screen.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical;
    [self presentViewController:screen animated:YES completion:nil];

    I am able to access @ properties like IBOutlets, but I can't access and edit the var objects.

    I am doing this, because I want to pass data into the Swift based view controller from the Objective-C based view controller when I am presenting the Swift based view controller.

    Why can't I access the var objects?

    Here is the error I am getting:

    enter image description here

    The error is as follows:

    Property 'passedUser' not found on object of type 'MyProfileViewController *'

    Thanks for your time, Dan.