Cannot delete a file - permission denied - why?


In order to delete a file, you must have write permissions on the directory that the file resides in. When you rm a file it makes the unlink system call which removes the name from the directory. This only deletes the file if it is the last remaining link to the inode.

You can find more information in unlink(2).

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Radek
    Radek almost 2 years
    [db2inst1][testing ~/sqllib/db2dump] rm db2diag.log 
    rm: cannot remove `db2diag.log': Permission denied
    [db2inst1][testing ~/sqllib/db2dump] id
    uid=1002(db2inst1) gid=107(db2iadm1) groups=16(dialout),33(video),107(db2iadm1),108(db2fadm1),1001(eduserver)
    [db2inst1][testing ~/sqllib/db2dump] ll
    total 1381172
    -rw-rw-rw- 1 root db2iadm1 1412931954 Oct  2 10:24 db2diag.log

    Currently logged user (db2inst1) is part of db2iadm1 group that has w permission to the file I want to delete. But I am not able. Any idea why?

    update - permission for parent directory

    drwxr-sr-x 2 root db2iadm1 4096 Aug 22 14:39 db2dump