Cannot drop schema because it is being reference by object


Not all objects are in sys.objects

At least...

  • sequences (sys.sequences)
  • user defined table types (sys,table_types)
  • service broker objects (sys.service_queues)

Full list

SELECT OBJECT_NAME(ac.object_id) FROM sys.all_columns ac WHERE name = 'schema_id'

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Gavin Burke
Author by

Gavin Burke

DevOps Engineer, originally with hardware/OS background moving into more coding environments

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Gavin Burke
    Gavin Burke about 2 years

    I've looked through dozens of posts regarding this error and they all have the same solution, drop all the objects referenced by the schema - but the object the error gives me does not exist.

    So I try to run the following syntax

    DROP SCHEMA [Application]

    And the error it gives is

    Cannot drop schema 'Application' because it is being referenced by object 'ApplicationRequestTable'.

    So I think "ok no problem, I'll remove that object, just like the past couple of views it pointed out", so I type

    SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE name = N'ApplicationRequestTable'

    And nothing is returned from the above - am I doing something wrong because it looks like my schema is referencing an object that does not exit?!? I further verify by typing

    SELECT, FROM sys.objects o JOIN sys.schemas s on o.schema_id = s.schema_id ORDER by

    And there is not a single object under the Application schema... Any pointers would be greatly appreciated as I cannot see anything at all referencing this schema now?

    Version: SQL Server 2014 SP1 (build 12.0.4100)

  • Gavin Burke
    Gavin Burke about 8 years
    I found the table in the table_types (it is a user defined table after all) SELECT * FROM sys.table_types WHERE name = N'ApplicationRequestTable' That ApplicationRequestTable DOES NOT appear in sys.all_columns though so you've got that bit wrong ... SELECT OBJECT_NAME(ac.object_id) FROM sys.all_columns ac ORDER BY OBJECT_NAME(ac.object_id) returns 14786 rows and ApplicationRequestTable is not one of them, the table Application.ApplicationRequestTable also doesn't exist in Object Explorer.
  • ZygD
    ZygD about 8 years
    Explain why I'm wrong even though you've found your object in the schema you want to remove. Application.ApplicationRequestTable is not a table. It is a table type, It appears under Programmability..Types node (not Tables node) and won't have any entries in sys.columns. I mentioned sys.all_columns so you could find schema dependent objects: not look up metadata about your object.
  • Gavin Burke
    Gavin Burke about 8 years
    Ah ok I see now. Your wording says "Full list" so I therefore assumed my ApplicationRequestTable should be in a so-called "Full" list - you meant the list of object types (if that's correct wording, i.e. table_types)? So selecting from one of those 24 in my list would return an answer for my ApplicationRequestTable
  • Alexandre M
    Alexandre M almost 4 years
    Full list above doesn't work for me. Trying to drop a schema, SQL refuses with that same message on the title. And the query you posted returns an empty result set....
  • ZygD
    ZygD almost 4 years
    @AlexandreM then you have another object that depends on the schema. Look at sys.objects, schema_id column to start. Or ask a new question