Cannot find module 'fs/promises' Electron JS


Solution 1

I experienced this issue a few days ago as well. I realized that trying to fix another issue, I deleted the node_modules folder and the package-lock.json file, then run the npm install command. This made the build to fail with 'fs/promises'. There are 2 solutions to this issue:

  1. Download the latest stable Node version. This should have the 'fs/promises' module and will fix the issue.
  2. Delete the node_modules folder and bring back the old package-lock.json file to ensure that the package versions remain the same. Then run the npm install command and the issue should be fixed.

Solution 2

downgrade electron "electron-builder": "^22.10.5", or upgrade nodejs to 14+ v

Solution 3

downgrade to "electron-builder": "~22.10.5" is working for me

Solution 4

In that case i fix the problem in that way: const fs = require('fs').promises;

instead of: const fs = require('fs/promises');

Solution 5

In my case I was using nvm to manage multiple node versions.

During the npm package installation, and throughout development, I used Node v14 but for some reason, my terminal was pointing to Node v12 when I tried bundling my program afterwards.

Switching it back to Node v14 using nvm use 14 solved my issue.

So make sure you're using the correct node version.

Author by


Graduated in computer engineering at the Autonomous University of Barcelona

Updated on April 28, 2022


  • stillborn1
    stillborn1 about 2 years

    Good morning,

    I have created a program in Vue JS, this connects with an API that I have created in a main.js file to execute system commands.

    The problem I have is that when compiling for production with electron I get the following error:


    I use the command npm run electron: build

    When I use npm run electron:serve work without problems

    Anyone have any idea why is the error and how to fix it? Thanks

    • Paul Franke
      Paul Franke almost 3 years
      I had the same issue .. Update to the newest nodejs-Version will fix this issue.
  • Boat
    Boat over 2 years
    Downgrading the electron-builder version worked for me, with node 12.18.4. This should be the accepted answer since retrieving old package-lock.json is not going to work when installing everything first time.
  • Meekohi
    Meekohi over 2 years
    Upgrading to node v14 worked for me. Thanks!
  • Peter Palmer
    Peter Palmer over 2 years
    Hey there, I did upgrade my NodeJS version and worked for me, I used terminal commands in order to upgrade in a faster way, you can follow the instructions here: Take into consideration that maybe other projects you have are incompatible with this new version you are installing, in that case, consider using NVM.