Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<AnonymousType#1>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<string>


Solution 1

IEnumerable<string> e = (from char c in source
                        select new { Data = c.ToString() }).Select(t = > t.Data);
// or
IEnumerable<string> e = from char c in source
                        select c.ToString();
// or
IEnumerable<string> e = source.Select(c = > c.ToString());

Then you can call ToList():

List<string> l = (from char c in source
                  select new { Data = c.ToString() }).Select(t = > t.Data).ToList();
// or
List<string> l = (from char c in source
                  select c.ToString()).ToList();
// or
List<string> l = source.Select(c = > c.ToString()).ToList();

Solution 2

If you want it to be List<string>, get rid of the anonymous type and add a .ToList() call:

List<string> list = (from char c in source
                     select c.ToString()).ToList();

Solution 3


var lst= (from char c in source select c.ToString()).ToList();

Solution 4

If you have source as a string like "abcd" and want to produce a list like this:

{ "a.a" },
{ "b.b" },
{ "c.c" },
{ "d.d" }

then call:

List<string> list = source.Select(c => String.Concat(c, ".", c)).ToList();

Solution 5

I think the answers are below

List<string> aa = (from char c in source
                    select c.ToString() ).ToList();

List<string> aa2 = (from char c1 in source
                    from char c2 in source
                    select string.Concat(c1, ".", c2)).ToList();
Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    I have the code below:

    List<string> aa = (from char c in source
                       select new { Data = c.ToString() }).ToList();

    But what about

    List<string> aa = (from char c1 in source
                       from char c2 in source
                       select new { Data = string.Concat(c1, ".", c2)).ToList<string>();

    While compile getting error

    Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<AnonymousType#1>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<string>'

    Need help.

  • Admin
    Admin over 13 years
    I cannot use var.. it has to be List<string> because of some reason
  • abatishchev
    abatishchev over 13 years
    This way you will get List<AnonymousType#1>
  • Coryza
    Coryza over 13 years
    @Rover: no it doesn't, .ToList() turns IEnumerable<AnonymousType#1> into List<AnonymousType#1>
  • Admin
    Admin over 13 years
    What about List<string> aa = ( from char c1 in source from char c2 in source select new { Data = string.Concat(c1, ".", c2)).ToList<string>();
  • abatishchev
    abatishchev over 13 years
    @priyanka.sarkar_2: You should use Select(x => x.Data).ToList() to select the list of such datas.