Cause of Servlet's 'Response Already Committed'


The response gets committed because of the following reasons:

  • Because the Response buffer has reached the max buffer size. It could be because of the following reasons:

      > the bufferSize in JSP page has reached.You can increase the JSP buffer size 
        in page directive. See here, 
       <%@ page buffer="5kb" autoFlush="false" %>
      > the server default response max buffer size has reached.You can increase    
        the server default max buffer size.
  • Some part of the code has called flushed on the response , i,e, invoked the method HttpServletResponse.flushBuffer().

  • Some part of the code has flushed the OutputStream or Writer, i,e, invoked the method HttpServletResponse.getOutputStream().flush() or `HttpServletResponse.getWriter().flush()

  • If you have forwarded to another page, where the response is both committed and closed. For example, when response.sendRedirect() has been called, the response is committed.

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Tech Enthusiastic, Java Developer by profession, Interested in new Apps/Gadgets, Android lover, More into Cloud, Passionate about music, And, Not single :P

Updated on September 16, 2020


  • Sriram
    Sriram almost 4 years

    What are the common possibilities to encounter this exception in servlet - Response Already committed?

  • Sriram
    Sriram almost 12 years
    Thanks for the reply. Deliberately we never call any of these. But, flush="true" would cause this? So, what are the measures to consider to avoid this?
  • Ramesh PVK
    Ramesh PVK almost 12 years
    Increase the buffer size of the jsp.
  • Sriram
    Sriram almost 12 years
    How to do this? Can you explain with some example?
  • Ramesh PVK
    Ramesh PVK almost 12 years
    You are having JSP or servlet?
  • Sriram
    Sriram almost 12 years
    I actually would like to know the exact cause of this. This occurs both in servlet / jsp. You primarily focused on buffer size. Are there any other points to consider to avoid this. Anyways, your reply certainly helps me. Thanks.
  • Ramesh PVK
    Ramesh PVK almost 12 years
    This can happen in several cases. Have listed all the cases. Added one more case as well.
  • Sriram
    Sriram almost 12 years
    What you mean by this the response is both committed and closed ?
  • Ramesh PVK
    Ramesh PVK almost 12 years
    Committed means just writing headers. Close means writing headers + writing response + close stream. Such that you cannot write any more content.
  • smwikipedia
    smwikipedia over 8 years
    Check this thread (…). You can still write to client even after you call HttpServletResponse.flushBuffer().
  • Ramesh PVK
    Ramesh PVK over 8 years
    Yes, Sending data is different from committing !! Committing data is just writing headers. In my discussion above committing data means writing headers.