celery task and customize decorator


Solution 1

Not quite sure why passing arguments won't work?

if you use this example:

def add(x, y):
    return x + y

lets add some logging to the MyCoolTask:

from celery import task
from celery.registry import tasks

import logging
import celery

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class MyCoolTask(celery.Task):

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """In celery task this function call the run method, here you can
        set some environment variable before the run of the task"""
        logger.info("Starting to run")
        return self.run(*args, **kwargs)

    def after_return(self, status, retval, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo):
        #exit point of the task whatever is the state
        logger.info("Ending run")

and create an extended class (extending MyCoolTask, but now with arguments):

class AddTask(MyCoolTask):

    def run(self,x,y):
        if x and y:
            logger.info('result = %d' % result)
            return result
            logger.error('No x or y in arguments')


and make sure you pass the kwargs as json data:


I get the result:

[2013-03-05 17:30:25,853: INFO/MainProcess] Starting to run
[2013-03-05 17:30:25,855: INFO/MainProcess] result = 17
[2013-03-05 17:30:26,739: INFO/MainProcess] Ending run
[2013-03-05 17:30:26,741: INFO/MainProcess] Task iamscheduler.tasks.AddTask[6a62641d-16a6-44b6-a1cf-7d4bdc8ea9e0] succeeded in 0.888684988022s: 17

Solution 2

Instead of use decorator why you don't create a base class that extend celery.Task ?

In this way all your tasks can extend your customized task class, where you can implement your personal behavior by using methods __call__ and after_return . You can also define common methods and object for all your task.

class MyCoolTask(celery.Task):

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """In celery task this function call the run method, here you can
        set some environment variable before the run of the task"""
        return self.run(*args, **kwargs)

    def after_return(self, status, retval, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo):
        #exit point of the task whatever is the state
Author by


Updated on June 03, 2022


  • zxygentoo
    zxygentoo about 2 years

    I'm working on a project using django and celery(django-celery). Our team decided to wrap all data access code within (app-name)/manager.py(NOT wrap into Managers like the django way), and let code in (app-name)/task.py only dealing with assemble and perform tasks with celery(so we don't have django ORM dependency in this layer).

    In my manager.py, I have something like this:

    def get_tag(tag_name):
        ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Photo)
            tag = Tag.objects.get(name=tag_name)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            return Tag.objects.none()
        return tag
    def get_tagged_photos(tag):
        ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Photo)
        return TaggedItem.objects.filter(content_type__pk=ctype.pk, tag__pk=tag.pk)
    def get_tagged_photos_count(tag):
        return get_tagged_photos(tag).count()

    In my task.py, I like to wrap them into tasks (then maybe use these tasks to do more complicated tasks), so I write this decorator:

    import manager #the module within same app containing data access functions
    class mfunc_to_task(object):
        def __init__(mfunc_type='get'):
            self.mfunc_type = mfunc_type
        def __call__(self, f):
            def wrapper_f(*args, **kwargs):
                callback = kwargs.pop('callback', None)
                mfunc = getattr(manager, f.__name__)
                result = mfunc(*args, **kwargs)
                if callback:
                    if self.mfunc_type == 'get':
                    elif self.mfunc_type == 'get_or_create':
                return result            
            return wrapper_f

    then (still in task.py):

    def get_tag():
    def get_tagged_photos():
    def get_tagged_photos_count():

    Things work fine without @task. But, after applying that @task decorator(to the top as celery documentation instructed), things just start to fall apart. Apparently, every time the mfunc_to_task.__call__ gets called, the same task.get_tag function gets passed as f. So I ended up with the same wrapper_f every time, and now the only thing I cat do is to get a single tag.

    I'm new to decorators. Any one can help me understand what went wrong here, or point out other ways to achieve the task? I really hate to write the same task wrap code for every of my data access functions.

  • zxygentoo
    zxygentoo almost 13 years
    Thx, man. Extending cerlery.task.Task is certainly a way to go, but due to maybe some deep metaclass black magic of celery, I found I couldn't pass arguments to init of MyTask and use it in call and run, so I put all logic in MyTask, and came up with a naming schema to pass the arguments through self.__class__.__name__. Then extends MyTask for every of my data access function using the naming schema to pass arguments, and instantiate once to get the task I need. This way I sure have put all the logic in one place, but still look kinda messy. Is there any elegant solution.
  • Mauro Rocco
    Mauro Rocco almost 13 years
    Sincerely I think that this is elegant enough. A personal suggestion is, when you can't find an elegant solution probably the whole approach is wrong. But is possible that I'm wrong ;-), Up to you
  • michel.iamit
    michel.iamit about 11 years
    @MauroRocco : thanks for your answer and clear explanation in the europycon 2011 youtube presentation, this lead me (after puzzling a bit more) to the answer I gave here. (see: slideshare.net/fireantology/…)
  • Matan Itzhak
    Matan Itzhak about 6 years
    Doing this with Celery4.0 gives the following error: TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 3 arguments (1 given). Same goes when trying to make a separate function with the task decorator @app.task(bind=True, base=AddTask), as shown here. The only option I know of is to create an instance of the class before registering it. Is there any other way, similar to what you did here?
  • michel.iamit
    michel.iamit about 6 years
    yep, this was a post from 2013 .... 5 years ago.... lots has changed since than. I can see if i can produce a better example with celery 4.0. Can you define a new question? I kind of got away from class based tasks.... in the end did not work out for me. I am using the @shared_task only nowadays....
  • Tjorriemorrie
    Tjorriemorrie over 2 years
    How do you run this? delay gives error.