Celery tasks without result write to result backend


Solution 1

From celery document you can set ignore result flag to True. http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/reference/celery.app.task.html?highlight=default_retry_delay#celery.app.task.Task.ignore_result

For example:

def taskWithNoResult():
    # ...code without return..

Solution 2

Global Config

app.conf.task_ignore_result = True

Locally close return task results:

def add(...):

If you only want to return and persist the abnormal results of the task execution failure for subsequent investigation and analysis, then you can apply the following configuration while using the database as a Result Backend:

Only store task errors in the result backend.

app.conf.task_ignore_result = True
app.conf.task_store_errors_even_if_ignored = True
Sergey Luchko
Author by

Sergey Luchko

Updated on June 07, 2022


  • Sergey Luchko
    Sergey Luchko about 2 years

    I have some tasks which should return result, and some tasks that don't. I want to force tasks which shouldn't return result not to write anything in result backend (for example None). How can I achieve that in Celery?

    For example it's my tasks:

    def taskWithResult():
        # ...code...
        return res
    def taskWithNoResult():
        # ...code without return...

    And also I have special queue for some others task which also don't return any result, can I mark that queue as with tasks which mustn't write in result backend?

  • kkiat
    kkiat over 7 years
    You can use apply_async to choose the queue for task. link
  • Thorvald
    Thorvald about 3 years
    It's worth nothing this can be applied on specific tasks, e.g: @task(name="test") def test(ignore_result=True, store_errors_even_if_ignored=True):