certificate and private key for push notification


Solution 1

Generate a Push Certificate To generate a certificate on a Mac OS X:

  1. Log-in to the iPhone Developer Program Portal

  2. Choose App IDs from the menu on the right

  3. Create an App ID without a wildcard. For example 3L223ZX9Y3.com.armiento.test

  4. Click the Configure link next to this App ID and then click on the button to start the wizard to generate a new Development Push SSL Certificate (Apple Documentation: Creating the SSL Certificate and Keys)

  5. Download this certificate and double click on aps_developer_identity.cer to import it into your Keychain

  6. Launch Keychain Assistant (located in Application, Utilities or search for it with Spotlight) and click on My Certificates on the left

  7. Expand Apple Development Push Services and select Apple Development Push Services AND your private key (just under Apple Development Push Services)

  8. Right-click and choose "Export 2 elements..." and save as server_certificates_bundle_sandbox.p12 (don't type a password).

  9. Open Terminal and change directory to location used to save server_certificates_bundle_sandbox.p12 and convert the PKCS12 certificate bundle into PEM format using this command (press enter when asked for Import Password):

    openssl pkcs12 -in server_certificates_bundle_sandbox.p12 -out server_certificates_bundle_sandbox.pem -nodes -clcerts

  10. Now you can use this PEM file as your certificate in ApnsPHP!

Solution 2

Copied from: http://www.pressmatrix.de/product-blog/apple-ios-push-notification-setup-guide/

  1. Launch the Keychain Access tool and select My Certificates in the left hand panel.

  2. Locate the certificate you wish to install and reveal its contents. There should be both a certificate and a private key inside.

  3. Select both the certificate and private key, then click File and Export Items. Select Personal Information Exchange (.p12) as the output file format.

  4. Move the CSR file, .p12 file and xxx.cer files into the same folder and navigate to that location within the terminal window.

  5. Convert the xxx.cer file into a cert.pem file using the following command:

    openssl x509 -in xxx.cer -inform der -out cert.pem

  6. Convert the private key xxx.p12 into a key.pem file:

    openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -out key.pem -in xxx.p12

Or refer to: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/Chapters/ProvisioningDevelopment.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008194-CH104-SW5

Slow Harry
Author by

Slow Harry

Updated on June 09, 2022


  • Slow Harry
    Slow Harry about 2 years

    I need cert.pem and key.pem for API(in my node js backend) but I just download .cert file from App IDs -> Edit -> Download. How can I get it, I can extract it from .cer file?