Change the Database Connection Dynamically in Laravel


Solution 1

Well you can use the default database for user login and have a new field for the database name. Then whenever you need to query a different database, you can just change your db connection.

Something like this

$someModel = new SomeModel;
$databaseName = "mysql2"; // Dynamically get this value from db
$something = $someModel->find(1);

You can read more about it here.

Solution 2

This way you can set new parameter when it comes to database:

 \Config::set('database.connections.mysql.database', $schemaName);

Remember about PURGE to persist this settings



Solution 3

you need to get the config first.. then alter the specific field then set it back..

$config = Config::get('');
$config['database'] = "company_tenant_$id";
$config['password'] = "test2123";
config()->set('', $config);

Solution 4

I think a good place to change the database connection place is in bootstrap/app.php file, use the code below:

$app->afterBootstrapping(\Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\LoadConfiguration::class, function ($ap) {
    // your database connection change may happens here

It is before ServiceProvider register and boot, so even if you use DB or Eloquent staff in ServiceProvider, it works very well.

Author by


PHP Developer

Updated on July 18, 2022


  • tyro
    tyro almost 2 years

    I have the master database with login table and corresponding database settings for each user. On login I should dynamically change the db settings fetching from the table. I can change the db connection but this is not persisting.

    Config::set("database.connections.mysql", [
    'driver' => 'mysql',
    "host" => $usr_host,
    "database" => $usr_database,
    "username" => $usr_username,
    "password" => $usr_password,

    edit: New database is created for each user when he/she registers with the app and thus i dont have the database connection for each user defined in the config/database.php

  • tyro
    tyro over 6 years
    this settings changes to default in next request
  • Joshy Francis
    Joshy Francis over 5 years
    purge function of DB class is very useful.
  • Alberto Acuña
    Alberto Acuña over 4 years
    what if im not working with model, and im using just ::table
  • Omer Farooq
    Omer Farooq over 4 years
    Well this isnt elegant and wont recommend it, but an easier way of doing this would be to somehow change the returned array in app/config/database.php. So you add some condition if the condition is met then you return secondary db details else you always return primary db details.
  • Noor Ahmed
    Noor Ahmed over 4 years
    But I need to check if the user is logged in then I want the use the dynamic db connection, else I want to use the default login database ( by which the user can only view the login page and nothing more )
  • Noor Ahmed
    Noor Ahmed over 4 years
    I just tried your method. I really like to to do it your way. But inside that code block when I want to check if the user is logged in, it says that Auth class is not defined. How can I access the Auth class inside that code block? If I am just able to check if the user is logged in, then I will be all set for this.
  • Noor Ahmed
    Noor Ahmed over 4 years
    where/which file will I have to do this? I am just lost. Please let me know the exact file path where I can do this. I just want to be able to do it once and then I should no longer have to do it every time in every class and container.
  • Mohamed Salah
    Mohamed Salah over 3 years
    Your answer is really helped me, thank you very much. there is a case were we need to change only the connection database name as we might have the same connection but with multiple dbs