Change Twitter Bootstrap Tooltip content on click


Solution 1

Just found this today whilst reading the source code. So $.tooltip(string) calls any function within the Tooltip class. And if you look at Tooltip.fixTitle, it fetches the data-original-title attribute and replaces the title value with it.

So we simply do:

          .attr('data-original-title', newValue)

and sure enough, it updates the title, which is the value inside the tooltip.

A shorter way:

$(element).attr('title', 'NEW_TITLE')

Solution 2

In Bootstrap 3 it is sufficient to call elt.attr('data-original-title', "Foo") as changes in the "data-original-title" attribute already trigger changes in the tooltip display.

UPDATE: You can add .tooltip('show') to show the changes immediately, you need not to mouseout and mouseover target to see the change in the title

elt.attr('data-original-title', "Foo").tooltip('show');

Solution 3

Here is update for the Bootstrap 4:

var title = "Foo";
elt.attr('data-original-title', title);

But the best way is to do like this:

var title = "Foo";
elt.attr('title', title);
elt.attr('data-original-title', title);

or inline:

var title = "Foo";
elt.attr('title', title).attr('data-original-title', title).tooltip('update').tooltip('show');

From the UX side you just see that text is changed with no fading or hide/show effects and there is no needs for the _fixTitle.

Solution 4

you can update the tooltip text without actually calling show/hide:

    .attr('title', newTitle)

Solution 5

for Bootstrap 4:

$(element).attr("title", "Copied!").tooltip("_fixTitle").tooltip("show").attr("title", "Copy to clipboard").tooltip("_fixTitle");

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Updated on November 11, 2021


  • rebellion
    rebellion over 2 years

    I have a tooltip on an anchor element, that sends an AJAX request on click. This element has a tooltip (from Twitter Bootstrap). I want the tooltip content to change when the AJAX request returns successfully. How can I manipulate the tooltip after initiation?

  • James McMahon
    James McMahon about 11 years
    You can also change the title through the data('tooltip').options property, see…
  • Daniel Miliński
    Daniel Miliński about 11 years
    Best Answer to this.Question.
  • ajbeaven
    ajbeaven over 10 years
    With bootstrap 3, it becomes $('#tooltip_id').data('bs.tooltip').options.title = 'New_value!';
  • ndreckshage
    ndreckshage over 10 years
    scroll down (or to change text without closing/reopening the toolip.
  • Nigel Angel
    Nigel Angel about 10 years
    If you're using boostrap3 you need to use data('bs.tooltip') instead of data('tooltip')
  • Augustin Riedinger
    Augustin Riedinger over 9 years
    Says $tip is not an attribute of $(element)
  • Augustin Riedinger
    Augustin Riedinger over 9 years
    Did that: $(element).attr('title', newTitle).tooltip('fixTitle').parent().find('.tooltip .tooltip-inner').text(newTitle);
  • user2846569
    user2846569 over 9 years
    Couldn't find documentation on 'fixTitle', so I guess not a good idea to use this!? ...
  • tremby
    tremby about 9 years
    I'm updating a tooltip on a neighbouring element when typing into a text field, and the tooltip is disappearing for me with this code when I press a key.
  • Wojciech Zylinski
    Wojciech Zylinski about 9 years
    Thanks for this. The only problem with this solution is that it seems to mess up tooltip position after text change.
  • markau
    markau about 9 years
    This, with .tooltip('show') on the end of the chain, worked for me.
  • thouliha
    thouliha almost 9 years
    Hey relational, could you change your answer to reflect the comments corrections? Thanks.
  • Roy Hyunjin Han
    Roy Hyunjin Han almost 9 years
    You can safely omit the call to fixTitle: $(element).attr('data-original-title', 'xyz')
  • brauliobo
    brauliobo almost 9 years
    yeah, setContent and show does the trick! you can change data-original-title directly instead of using fixTitle
  • Lev Lukomsky
    Lev Lukomsky almost 9 years
    It not applies changes immediately, you need to mouseout and mouseover target to see the new title text
  • Jared
    Jared over 8 years
    This is actually the best answer and you can add .tooltip('show'); to get it to show after the update
  • molerat
    molerat over 8 years
    Is there a way to update the text without manipulating the title-attribute?
  • sksallaj
    sksallaj over 8 years
    I removed tooltip('hide') and tooltip('fixTitle'), and it worked still
  • Gabe O'Leary
    Gabe O'Leary over 8 years
    This actually didn't work for me, the tooltip switched values and then disappeared quickly. $(element).attr('data-original-title', newValue).tooltip('show'); was the simplest working solution for me.
  • jyoseph
    jyoseph about 8 years
    This is the only solution (out of many tried) that seemed to just work (bs3). Nice solution for sure!
  • jac1013
    jac1013 over 7 years
    I was having trouble with the tooltip after using both methods (it was disappearing a not coming back again), it was basically because of the native focus so adding $element.trigger('focusout') fixed that problem for me.
  • Geoffroy CALA
    Geoffroy CALA over 7 years
    In my case @lukmdo solution didn't work properly. I still could see the old title for a moment so the tooltip('hide') was useful.
  • Ayyaz Zafar
    Ayyaz Zafar about 7 years
    This solution is better than all others
  • César León
    César León almost 7 years
    This works in firefox, chrome, IE and Edge, "$(element).attr('data-original-title', newValue).tooltip('show');" , was indeed the simplest working solution, thanks.
  • Jamie M
    Jamie M about 6 years
    @fsasvari in bootstrap 4 just change it to '_fixTitle'
  • Mubramaj
    Mubramaj almost 6 years
    I am using Bootstrap v4.1.2 and I had to use _fixTitle instead of fixTitle
  • Fifi
    Fifi almost 6 years
    Should we call $(el).tooltip('dispose') before or after updating the tooltip title ?
  • Martin Lyne
    Martin Lyne almost 6 years
    @imabot dispose of old tooltip, then recreate with new data. If your tooltips are complex you may want to retrieve or otherwise store the initial config so you can just recreate with that config + new values. Hope that makes sense.
  • Chloe
    Chloe almost 6 years
    This uses undocumented API. Beware.
  • Ricardo
    Ricardo about 5 years
    Tested on Bootstrap v2.3.1
  • Hammad Sajid
    Hammad Sajid about 5 years
    why it didn't work when i use single quote as in second parameter around 'Foo' like .attr('data-original-title', 'Foo') ??
  • Ben in CA
    Ben in CA over 4 years
    Bootstrap 4 - noted below - use .tooltip('update');
  • Fouad
    Fouad about 4 years
    $(element).attr('title', 'NEW_TITLE') is enough to update the title
  • Yes Barry
    Yes Barry almost 4 years
    This feels like the cleanest solution.
  • Alexander
    Alexander over 2 years
    The solution worked for me, thanks! In general, please note that you can only update tooltips which are enabled. So in case you have manually disabled a tooltip, you have to re-enable it by using elt.tooltip('enable') before updating it.
  • JV conseil
    JV conseil about 2 years
    Since Bootstrap v5 it is data-bs-original-title instead of data-original-title
  • Vikcen
    Vikcen about 2 years
    In my case works without ".tooltip('fixTitle')" just in this way: $(element).tooltip('hide') .attr('data-original-title', newValue) .tooltip('show');