Changing DOM Element Position of searchbox in datatables


Solution 1

This is very simple. First you must hide the default search box :

.dataTables_filter {
   display: none;

Example of your own designed search box, placed somewhere in the HTML :

<input type="text" id="searchbox">

script to search / filter when typing in the search box

$("#searchbox").keyup(function() {

working demo ->

If you are using DataTables 1.10 the JS should look like:

$("#searchbox").on("keyup search input paste cut", function() {;

Solution 2

You can define a new element newSearchPlace to have the data table search filter inside:

<div id="newSearchPlace"></div>

Then put the search filter inside this new place:


Solution 3

To remove the filter options you can use css as mentioned in other answers or you can remove it in the initialisation of the datatable using:

$("#table").dataTable({"bFilter": false}); //disables filter input

or by using sDom attribute like this:

 "sDom": '<"H"lr>t<"F"ip>' //when bJuery is true

See here for more options.

Now about using your own text field as a filter box then just attach a keypress handler to it, and use the fnFilter option like this:


     oTable = $('#table_id').dataTable({
         "sDom": '<"H"lr>t<"F"ip>' 
         oTable.fnFilter( $(this).val() );

Solution 4

For the actual version in Dec 2018 (v1.10.19) you need to do this steps:

  1. Hide the default search box (CSS):

    .dataTables_filter { display: none; }
  2. Add new filter to your desired place (HTML)

    Search:<br><input type="text" id="searchFilter">
  3. After your DataTables inicialisation function you need to write your search function (JS):

    $(document).ready(function() {
       var table = $('#example').DataTable();
    $('#searchFilter').on( 'keyup', function () { this.value ).draw();
    } );

Note: fnfilter is deprecated, so use search(), but search() doesn't redraw the table, so you need to use draw() too.

Solution 5

As of DataTables 1.10, a dom property can be added to the initialization. Although it is quite hard to master, it can be used to wrap all of the DataTables objects within <div> elements to style the built-in table control elements.

A dom property like the following would wrap the default search bar with a <div> of your choice, which can be used to pull left (where f is the filtering/search bar and t is the table:

$('#example').dataTable( {
  "dom": '<"pull-left" f><t>'
} );


<div class="pull-left">
  <div id="example_filter" class="dataTables_filter"><label><input type="search" aria-controls="example"></label></div>
  <table id="example" class="table dt-responsive nowrap dataTable no-footer dtr-inline" style="width: 100%;" role="grid">

More info: DataTables dom option


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Nikhil Agrawal
Author by

Nikhil Agrawal

Experienced and Passionate Java developer with a wide range of skill set and wide technology background in both core and advanced java world. I have experience of working with agile methodologies with hands on experience of tools like JIRA and confluence. I have had training and am following secure software development methods. I have been using Secure SDLC in my projects for quite a while. I have handled the requirements from initiation to deployment phase, like requirement gathering and analysis, transforming business requirement into technical requirement, preparing technical designs, developing and testing the module with the help of a development team and deployment. I like to explore and implement new technologies and have implemented new technologies in projects before. I like to read technical news, articles and blogs to keep myself updated. Technology Stack : • Java • Spring Framework • SpringBoot • Microservices • Hibernate • REST Web Services • Javascript, jQuery, HTML • Backbone.js, Marionette.js • Git • JIRA • Salesforce • Jenkins

Updated on July 17, 2022


  • Nikhil Agrawal
    Nikhil Agrawal almost 2 years

    Actually I am new to jQuery datatables plugin.

    I have attached the plugin to my tables using this method using this code.


    Now What I want is datatables provides a text box in which we can enter our filter string and results will be getting filtered.

    So I want to use my existing designed textbox for that purpose I don't want to add a new textbox in the UI. So I gone through this link

    But I am not understanding. Is it possible to use the existing textbox. Please advice

    See I was having situation like this before implementing this datatables

    enter image description here

    Now when I apply this datatables plugin A new text box gets added for search I don't want to a new text box I want my existing textbox to implement search functionality.

    • Danny
      Danny over 10 years
      So you want the existing textbox not to do filtering?
    • Nikhil Agrawal
      Nikhil Agrawal over 10 years
      @Danny I want the existing textbox to filtering functionality But I don't want a new textbox...... Means I want search functionality in the textbox which I have before implementing datatables.
  • davidkonrad
    davidkonrad over 10 years
    "bFilter": false disables the search / filter capabilities completely, not just hiding the default search box - so that is an odd answer to a question where the goal is to have filter capabilities, just on another text box. Also,sDom is useless / irrelevant in this context - apparently it cannot be said too often : sDom is for setting the order and position for dataTables generated elements, nothing else!
  • MaVRoSCy
    MaVRoSCy over 10 years
    Yes you are right about the bFilter, i noted that in my answer that it disables the functionality. Now about the sDom, by removing the f from the expression, the filter disappears (‌​tml).
  • davidkonrad
    davidkonrad over 10 years
    It is only the case if you actually use sDom, which is not nessecary. And there is no sDom present in question. In fact, OP writes "...using this code" -> and an empty initialization part.
  • Simon Bengtsson
    Simon Bengtsson about 10 years
    Instead of hiding the default search box you can completely remove it by setting the bFilter: false in the datatable constructor. EDIT: That disabled the custom search boxes as well so it doesn't work after all...
  • davidkonrad
    davidkonrad about 10 years
    @SimonBengtsson, Yes, bFilter : false completely suppress the filtering capabilities.
  • Ryan Kohn
    Ryan Kohn over 9 years
    To get closer to the way the filter box works in DataTables, you can add more event bindings to your input: $("#searchbox").bind('keyup search input paste cut', function () {...});
  • davidkonrad
    davidkonrad over 9 years
    @RyanKohn, Yes, but most important, you are not "slave" to the dataTables-way. Very convenient to implement a search that only is triggered when the user hits enter, for example.
  • Simon Bengtsson
    Simon Bengtsson about 9 years
    Instead of hiding the default filter with css you can omit the f letter in the dom option which remove the input completly. An example can be found in the docs.
  • davidkonrad
    davidkonrad about 9 years
    @SimonBengtsson, yes - if you are using the dom-attribute this is an alternative. It does not disable filter / search capabilities.
  • rob
    rob over 7 years
    This answer is really underrated. This worked best for having 20+ dynamically generated datatables in my case,. The other options caused excessive events to be fired even with unbind() and caused weird slowness as the highest upvoted answer caused well over 10 events per keystroke.
  • Shankar
    Shankar almost 6 years
    Best solution also for multiple tables on same page !
  • mastersuse
    mastersuse about 4 years
    Hi, just wanna know, where is the file location in datatables folder in stored locally that need to change for .dataTables_filter { display: none; } ?
  • mastersuse
    mastersuse about 4 years
    sorry, please ignore above comment, just find where to put .dataTables_filter { display: none; } cheers.
  • Ray Caballero
    Ray Caballero over 3 years
    This is the fastest way to do it!