Changing IP on Domain Controller?


Solution 1

You can safely change the IP address on a domain controller, just be sure to reboot it to ensure proper updating of DNS records and that all services running on the machine correctly acknowledge the change.

If the server is also running the DNS service you should be careful to update client settings, but looking at your question it looks like you've already taken this into account :-)

Solution 2

Active Directory finds it resources via DNS resource records. So changing the IP shouldn't cause problems. After changing the IP address; go into CMD mode and typeipconfig /registerdns Just remember to change its subnet in 'Sites and Services' to reflect the new IP address.

Mario Norato
Author by

Mario Norato

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Mario Norato
    Mario Norato almost 2 years

    I already tried to find a solution to my problem in this and in some other sites but with no luck. I have a map (Google map V2) set on my app. This map is full of markers (around 450) and each marker has an icon set from a drawable file. The drawable files are in total 6 so there are about 450 markers repeating 6 drawables (each different icon refers to a location on the map). When I first launch the map, there are no problems and everything works fine. But if I go back to the previous screen and launch again the map, the app crashes with an out of memory error. I think the problem is due to the fact that the system is keeping in memory all the bitmaps, with an incredible waste of resources, seen that the drawables are only six.

    I tried to reference the bitmaps to the application context as suggested here with no good results. Is there an easy way to solve this issue?

    Line 324:

    if (IDTipologia.get(i).equals("1")) {
                //iconcina = BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_AZURE);
                Bitmap icon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getApplicationContext().getResources(),
                iconcina = BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(icon);

    ad so on until the 6th drawable.


    E/AndroidRuntime(10990): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at   Method)
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at$000(
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at$1.createFromParcel(
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at$1.createFromParcel(
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at$Stub.onTransact(
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at android.os.Binder.transact(
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at$a$a.a(Unknown Source)
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at Source)
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at it.eventitrapani.appaeventitp.ElencoMappaTutteCoseDaVedere.addMarkersToMap(
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at it.eventitrapani.appaeventitp.ElencoMappaTutteCoseDaVedere.setUpMap(
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at it.eventitrapani.appaeventitp.ElencoMappaTutteCoseDaVedere.setUpMapIfNeeded(
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at it.eventitrapani.appaeventitp.ElencoMappaTutteCoseDaVedere.onCreate(
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at$600(
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at$H.handleMessage(
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at$
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at
    E/AndroidRuntime(10990):    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
    • dmon
      dmon over 11 years
      It's still unclear from the question/code: Are you reusing the Bitmaps or are you decoding a new one each time you create a marker?
    • Mario Norato
      Mario Norato over 11 years
      I'm decoding a new one for each marker, how can I reuse them?
  • Massimo
    Massimo about 14 years
    That's totally unnecessary and a lot more invasive than simply changing the IP address.
  • Massimo
    Massimo about 14 years
    ipconfig /registerdns will not suffice, it will only register A and PTR records for the server; the actual SRV resource records are populated upon restarting Active Directory services.
  • Jon Rhoades
    Jon Rhoades about 14 years
    @Massimo - I disagree I don't think you can be too cautious with Domain Controllers. Running De-promo/Promo really isn't a big deal - I always prefer a totally "clean" DC.
  • Massimo
    Massimo about 14 years
    "I don't think you can be too cautious with Domain Controllers"... right. That's exactly why I'd avoid promoting them back and forth unless absolutely needed.
  • Mario Norato
    Mario Norato over 11 years
    Hi, thanks for your kind reply first of all. Well I retrieve the drawable like that, because the marker of the Google map needs an icon in bitmap format, and it's not possible to assign the drawable directly to the marker. I don't do any transformations to those drawables, I just have 6 different categories of markers and about 450 locations (churches, monuments, museums, beaches, archeological sites and natural parks) and I would like the appropriate icon to appear on each marker. It works fine the first time, the second time it goes out of memory.
  • dmon
    dmon over 11 years
    Untrue, you can use a drawable: markerOptions.icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(R.dr‌​awable.arrow)));. It's right there in the examples in the docs
  • Mario Norato
    Mario Norato over 11 years
    What a bad thing is ignorance! Thank you very much! You solved my problem!
  • Siddharth
    Siddharth about 11 years
    getResources().getDrawable causes a memory leak
  • dmon
    dmon about 11 years
    @Siddharth uuuhh.. Citation needed?
  • Siddharth
    Siddharth about 11 years
    Citation : I am facing the same issue.…
  • dmon
    dmon about 11 years
    What I meant is, where did you read that "getResources().getDrawable()" causes a memory leak? Most "memory leaks" related to images in Android are NOT memory leaks, just big images. I think it's quite rash to blame getDrawable() without you even saying what you're trying to do.
  • Siddharth
    Siddharth about 11 years
    I am trying to add a overlay on a mapactivity. This memory just keeps building, and the only allocation I isolated it to was getResources.getDrawable() call. I am facing this issue now. I believe that this answer is incorrect. Now, if I prove my self incorrect, I will gladly reverse the vote.