Changing or eliminating Header & Footer in TCPDF


Solution 1

Use the SetPrintHeader(false) and SetPrintFooter(false) methods before calling AddPage(). Like this:

$pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, 'LETTER', true, 'UTF-8', false);

Solution 2

A nice easy way to have control over when to show the header - or bits of the header - is by extending the TCPDF class and creating your own header function like so:

  class YourPDF extends TCPDF {
        public function Header() {
            if (count($this->pages) === 1) { // Do this only on the first page
                $html .= '<p>Your header here</p>';

            $this->writeHTML($html, true, false, false, false, '');

Naturally you can use this to return no content as well, if you'd prefer to have no header at all.

Solution 3

Here is an alternative way you can remove the Header and Footer:

// Remove the default header and footer
class PDF extends TCPDF { 
    public function Header() { 
    // No Header 
    public function Footer() { 
    // No Footer 

$pdf = new PDF();

Solution 4

How do I eliminate/override this?

Also, Example 3 in the TCPDF docs shows how to override the header and footer with your own class.

Solution 5

- First page, no footer
- Second page, has footer, start with page no 1


    // First page

    // ... add page content here

    // Second page

    // ... add page content here
Author by


Updated on December 12, 2020


  • ChuckO
    ChuckO over 3 years

    AddPage() in tcpdf automatically calls Header and Footer. How do I eliminate/override this?

  • ChuckO
    ChuckO over 13 years
    Thanks for your belated answer. I had wanted to eliminate the Header/Footer, and Brian's way did it.
  • Felipe
    Felipe almost 12 years
    This answer didn't really help me for what I wanted to do. I wanted only the first page to have no headers or footers... THIS… is what I did in the end.
  • Tristanisginger
    Tristanisginger over 2 years
    I tried this first using $this->getAliasNumPage() which didn't work, this did though. Cheers Lukey
  • Didier
    Didier about 2 years
    For Header: $pdf->setPrintHeader(false); // hidden $pdf->setPrintHeader(true); // visible