Changing the package name


Solution 1

Assuming your goal is to rename the package name of the apk, the package names used for the classes are irrelevant. The package name of the apk is mostly unrelated to the package names of any classes in the apk. And there's no reason you need to touch the package id.

I would recommend unpacking the apk with apktool, and then edit the apktool.yml, setting renameManifestPackage to the new package name. Then when you rebuild the apk with apktool, it should use aapt's --rename-manifest-package functionality to change the package name.

After that, just resign the new apk and you should be good to go.

apktool d app.apk
// change "renameManifestPackage: null" in app/apktool.yml
// to "renameManifestPackage:"
apktool b app -o new_app.apk
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore ~/my.keystore new_app.apk mykeyname

And just to reiterate, you don't need to modify the package names of any classes.

Solution 2

To my knowledge there are no fast ways to change the package name. You have to change the package="com.mycompany.myapp" in Manifest.xml and then manually replace all the package name occurrences in smali files (and folders). Finally edit apktool.yml replacing the old package name, with your new package name.

A full detailed tutorial can be found here:

Simon Ang
Author by

Simon Ang

Updated on July 25, 2022


  • Simon Ang
    Simon Ang almost 2 years

    I planned to change the package name through smali(reverse)

    when I open up apktool.yml, I saw this

    forced-package-id: '127'

    I have tried to change it but it crash why should i do?

  • Luca D'Amico
    Luca D'Amico about 8 years
    I admit that your answer might be more helpful than mine. +1.
  • Muhammad Muazzam
    Muhammad Muazzam about 7 years
    I have just changed package name in apktool.yml but it didn't generated new apk
  • cascading-style
    cascading-style over 6 years
    After using this method and signing, the app will not install
  • JesusFreke
    JesusFreke over 6 years
    @cascading-style you probably need to delete the existing signature first. If you need more help, feel free to create a question. Make sure you include any errors from adb install, including any errors that show up in logcat during the install.
  • cascading-style
    cascading-style over 6 years
    What about when the app contains a binary?
  • Vlad
    Vlad about 6 years
    there are also may be custom views so it's needed to change package names in xml
  • DUO Labs
    DUO Labs about 3 years
    This worked for me: I had to get around a program blocking NewPipe, so I just changed the renameManifestPackage property from null to org.duolabs.newpipe and it allowed it to run. +1!
  • Phani Rithvij
    Phani Rithvij almost 3 years
    Can use uber-apk-signer to quickly sign the apk. Found it from this so answer.