Check if date is older than 10 years and newer than 20 years


Solution 1

Using Calendar you can easily get a 10 year old date and 20 year old date from the current date.

Calendar calendar  = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, -10);
Date d1 = calendar.getTime();
calendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, -10);
Date d2 = calendar.getTime();

As you are using Java 8 you can also use LocalDate

    LocalDate currentDate =;
    Date d1 = Date.from(currentDate.minusYears(10).atStartOfDay(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant());
    Date d2 = Date.from(currentDate.minusYears(20).atStartOfDay(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant());

For comparing you can use the date.after() and date.before() methods as you said.

    if(date.after(d1) && date.before(d2)){  //date is the Date instance that wants to be compared

The before() and after() methods are implemented in Calendar and LocalDate too. You can use those methods in those instances without converting into java.util.Date instances.

Solution 2

You can use java.time.LocalDate to do this. Example: If you need to check if 01/01/2005 is between that duration, you can use

LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(2005, 1, 1); // Assign date to check
LocalDate today =;

if (date.isBefore(today.minusYears(10)) && date.isAfter(today.minusYears(20))) {
  //Do Something

Solution 3

Another possibility is to get the year count between the date to check and the upper date. If the number of year is greater than 0 and less than 10, it means the date to check is older than 10 years and newer than 20 years.

This code will determine any date in the interval ]now - 20 years ; now - 10 years[:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    LocalDate dateToCheck =;

    LocalDate upperYear =;
    long yearCount = ChronoUnit.YEARS.between(dateToCheck, upperYear);
    if (yearCount > 0 && yearCount < 10) {
        System.out.println("date is older than 10 years and newer than 20 years");
Author by


Updated on March 15, 2020


  • Andy897
    Andy897 over 4 years

    I am trying to check in Java 8 if a date is older than 10 years and newer than 20 years. I am using Date.before() And Date.after() and passing currentDate-10 years and currentDate-20 years as arguments.

    Can someone please suggest what will the cleanest way to get a date which is 10 year old and 20 years old in Date format to pass it in my before() and after() methods?