Check if geo-point is inside or outside of polygon


Solution 1

Here is a possible solution to my problem.

  1. Geographical coordinates must be stored properly. Example np.array([[Lon_A, Lat_A], [Lon_B, Lat_B], [Lon_C, Lat_C]])
  2. Create the polygon
  3. Create the point to be tested
  4. Use polygon.contains(point) to test if point is inside (True) or outside (False) the polygon.

Here is the missing part of the code:

from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon

lons_lats_vect = np.column_stack((lons_vect, lats_vect)) # Reshape coordinates
polygon = Polygon(lons_lats_vect) # create polygon
point = Point(y,x) # create point
print(polygon.contains(point)) # check if polygon contains point
print(point.within(polygon)) # check if a point is in the polygon 

Note: the polygon does not take into account great circles, therefore it is necessary to split the edges into many segments thus increasing the number of vertices.

Special case: If point lies on borders of Polygon

E.g. print(Polygon([(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1)]).contains(Point(0, 0))) will fail

So one can use

print(polygon.touches(point)) # check if point lies on border of polygon 

Solution 2

There is also an emerging python library turfpy. which is used for geospatial analysis.




from turfpy.measurement import boolean_point_in_polygon
from geojson import Point, Polygon, Feature

point = Feature(geometry=Point((-46.6318, -23.5523)))
polygon = Polygon(
            (-46.653, -23.543),
            (-46.634, -23.5346),
            (-46.613, -23.543),
            (-46.614, -23.559),
            (-46.631, -23.567),
            (-46.653, -23.560),
            (-46.653, -23.543),
boolean_point_in_polygon(point, polygon)

Solution 3

Another way to do it is by using the even-odd algorithm explained in this link The python code is given in wikipedia–odd_rule

Folks, just remember that the ORDER OF POINTS that make the polygon MATTER! I mean, different order results in different polygons.

Solution 4

You can use pygeodesy package, it has no dependencies on system level geo packages, and it uses Kenneth Gade's n-vector approach,

Just pip install pygeodesy

Sample code

from pygeodesy.sphericalNvector import LatLon

p = LatLon(45.1, 1.1)
b = LatLon(45, 1), LatLon(45, 2), LatLon(46, 2), LatLon(46, 1)
print (p.isenclosedBy(b))

This should output True


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Federico Gentile
Author by

Federico Gentile

Contact: [email protected] Skills: Data Analytics Data Science Web Development Programming: Python, C, CUDA HTML, CSS, jQuery Azure

Updated on September 06, 2021


  • Federico Gentile
    Federico Gentile almost 3 years

    I am using python and I have defined the latitudes and longitudes (in degrees) of a polygon on the map. My goal is to check if a generic point P of coordinates x,y falls within such polygon. I would like therefore to have a function that allows me to check such condition and return True or False if the point is inside or outside the polygon.

    enter image description here

    In this example the point is outside so the result would be False

    Question: Is there a library/package that allows to reach my goal? if yes which one do you recommend? would you be able to give a small example on how to use it?

    Here is the code I have written so far:

    import numpy as np
    # Define vertices of polygon (lat/lon)
    v0 = [7.5, -2.5] 
    v1 = [2, 3.5]
    v2 = [-2, 4]
    v3 = [-5.5, -4]
    v4 = [0, -10]
    lats_vect = np.array([v0[0],v1[0],v2[0],v3[0],v4[0]])
    lons_vect = np.array([v0[1],v1[1],v2[1],v3[1],v4[1]])
    # Point of interest P
    x, y = -6, 5 # x = Lat, y = Lon
    # Check if point of interest falls within polygon boundaries
    # If yes, return True
    # If no, return False

    In order to plot the polygon and the point of interest I used cartopy and I wrote the following lines of code:

    import as ccrs
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
    # Append first vertex to end of vector to close polygon when plotting
    lats_vect = np.append(lats_vect, lats_vect[0])
    lons_vect = np.append(lons_vect, lons_vect[0])
    plt.plot([lons_vect[0:-1], lons_vect[1:]], [lats_vect[0:-1], lats_vect[1:]],
             color='black', linewidth=1, 
    plt.plot(y, x, 
            '*',          # marker shape
            color='blue',  # marker colour
            markersize=8  # marker size


    • points are connected to each other by Great Circles!
    • I have researched in the internt and I ended up finding some similar questions like this one but I had no success since they all use of .shp files which I do not have.
    • arboreal84
      arboreal84 about 7 years
      Try converting this algorithm to Python C Code
    • Uriel
      Uriel about 7 years
      python does not have packages that do anything. it has a small number of pre built modules. packages are usually supplied by community.
    • Sembei Norimaki
      Sembei Norimaki about 7 years
      Is the polygon always convex?
    • Federico Gentile
      Federico Gentile about 7 years
      In general no, it could also be concave
    • Sembei Norimaki
      Sembei Norimaki about 7 years
      Take a look at this question and implement this algorithm. Its not difficult…
    • 9000
      9000 about 7 years
      Just in case: you can always cast a ray from your point to a middle point of any of the polygon's sides. If your ray crosses polygon's sides an even number of times, the point is on the outside. Works with convex and concave polygons; works on a sphere surface (and likely any 1-connected surface) using a geodesic for the ray. Has an edge case when a ray passes exactly through a vertex: you need to check whether the edges incident to the vertex are on the same side of the ray.
  • Zahran
    Zahran almost 7 years
    It is better to write the first latitude followed by longitude. Nothing wrong with the logic here, but to be safe than sorry.
  • gansub
    gansub almost 6 years
    @FedericoGentile - Shapely does not use great circle distances. It uses Euclidean
  • ap21
    ap21 about 5 years
    Does this work for a region bounded by smooth curves as well? Not just a polygon.
  • ptee
    ptee about 4 years
    Thanks! The answer is compact but answer all the questions I need! Cool!
  • Alexander Bauer
    Alexander Bauer almost 4 years
    Shapely also fails when the polygon intersects with the dateline
  • mustang
    mustang over 3 years
    I've been having a lot of trouble installing shapely. This is a much cleaner solution - thank you!
  • Skippy le Grand Gourou
    Skippy le Grand Gourou about 2 years
    Although boolean_point_in_polygon(point, polygon) perfectly addresses OP’s use case, points_within_polygon(points, polygon) is worth checking for aggregation use cases.