checking if a point is inside a specified Rectangle


Solution 1

It looks ok to me. I would check that your test case actually has the numbers you think it does; I would also check that your accessors are all returning the right values (I can't tell you the number of times I've implemented getX() as {return this.y;}). Other than that it's anyone's guess.

Solution 2

AWT Rectangle already has contains method. ( link )

Task seems about if you understand how naming spaces conflict. For example, if you are lazy (it's one of most admired qualities of a programmer), then you can write:

public static class Rectangle {
    java.awt.Rectangle _r;

    public Rectangle(int x, int y) {
        this._r = new java.awt.Rectangle(x, y);
    public boolean contains(Point p) {
        return this._r.contains(p);

You generally do not want to reimplementing features nor extend classes.

Solution 3

Usually when dealing with computer graphics, the top left point is (0,0) and the bottom right corner is (width, height).

This means that you should reverse your conditions

Author by


Mobile Dev making his way through the engineering world.

Updated on August 03, 2022


  • mastrgamr
    mastrgamr almost 2 years

    ok, so i'm doing an assignment for a Java class and one part of the assignment is to find out if a point is within the dimensions of a rectangle. so I created this code:

    public boolean contains(Point p) {
        return (this.getLocation().getX() < p.getX() && this.getLocation().getY() < p.getY() &&
                this.getLocation().getX() + this.getWidth() > p.getX()  &&
                this.getLocation().getY() + this.getHeight() > p.getY());

    I created a Point class as well, which is why I asked for a Point p parameter. To test this boolean I created a simple if statement in my Main class:

    //check if one rectangle's point is inside another
    if (rectangle.contains(rectangle2.getLocation()))
        System.out.println("the point is in the rectangle");

    The location of the point is (6,7). The point, width, and height of rectangle 1 is (4,5), 9, and 3, respectively. I know for a fact that this point is inside the first rectangle, but the println statement is not showing, meaning there must be a problem with the boolean i created but I don't see an error, maybe my head is cloudy but can someone point out to me what's wrong here?

    P.S. this is all Console work, i'm not dealing with some GUI or graphics programming.

  • mastrgamr
    mastrgamr over 13 years
    no luck, maybe it's worth mentioning i'm not dealing with graphics, this is all console work.
  • Captain Giraffe
    Captain Giraffe over 13 years
    Regardless of the orientation the conditions involved remain the same.
  • mastrgamr
    mastrgamr over 13 years
    thanks, there was a part in my code where I mixed up the width and height values of a point, instead of x for width, and y for height, i had y for width and x for height.
  • dantuch
    dantuch over 13 years
    @mastrgamr that's the reason for following one of main rules - you should name your fields and methods with name showing thier usage, so, plz, try int width in place of int x
  • IEatBagels
    IEatBagels over 9 years
    May I know why you wouldn't want to extend classes?
  • bekce
    bekce about 8 years
    This is not applicable in most cases because it does not support floating point values.