Checking if string exists in file with cat | grep


grep can be used as a condition command. It returns true when the pattern matches. Here, you want a fixed-string search (-F) and probably to match on the full line (-x):

if sudo cat /etc/sudoers |
  echo found
  echo not found

Or if the sudoers configuration allows you to run the grep command in addition to the cat one:

if sudo grep -xqFe "$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" /etc/sudoers
  echo found
  echo not found

-q tells grep to be quiet, to just return the true/false status via the exit status but not output anything on stdout.

Note the sudoers configuration can include other configuration files which that approach will not take into account. Same for permissions granted to groups that the user is member of.

You may want to use sudo -lU "$USER" instead.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • CybeX
    CybeX over 1 year

    Good day all

    Purpose: checking if a string exists in a file and running actions accordingly

    if [ -z 'sudo cat /etc/sudoers | grep "$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"' ]; echo "no output, cont." || echo "line exists, skipping"

    The output always presents "line exists, skipping" in bot cases where the line exists and does not.

    Adding the output into a variable e.g. x, substituting the line in the if statement with the variable produces the correct output,

    How may I 'skip' the variable route and run the command directly?

    • Spike
      Spike over 7 years
      if [ -z `sudo cat /etc/sudoers | grep "$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"` ]; then echo "no out"; else echo "out"; fi works fine.
    • CybeX
      CybeX over 7 years
      my ownly concern is the output if "bash: [: too many arguments", I receive my answer but why does the error occur?
    • Spike
      Spike over 7 years
      if [[ -z `sudo cat /etc/sudoers | grep "$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"` ]]; then echo "no out"; else echo "out"; fi should be fine.