Clearfix with absolute positioned elements


Solution 1

set one item to float:left and the other to position:absolute; right:0 and use a clearfix.

Solution 2

Change the position: absolute; of .content-item to position: relative; and give it a float: left;. Remove #content-1 and #content-2, you don't need them anymore. And at last insert a new class into your html (after the 2 #content id's) and add a clear: both; to that class in your stylescheet.


Rick Hoving
Author by

Rick Hoving

Updated on February 04, 2020


  • Rick Hoving
    Rick Hoving over 4 years

    My problem is the following:
    The border does not wrap the containing items. I know this is because I position the content-item absolute, but I need them to be absolute for the layout to work. This also means that I cannot use the clearfix solution (this means that I have to float the elements, which it not an option).
    So my question is, how to I get the parent div to get the height of the contained elements.

    EDIT: No Javascript solution, CSS only


    <div class="mask">
        <div id="content-1" class="content-item">
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit...
        <div id="content-2" class="content-item">
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit...


        border: 1px solid black;
        position: absolute;
       left: 300px;

  • SKeurentjes
    SKeurentjes over 11 years
    Sorry, forgot that you can't use position: relative;, my code is useless now
  • theorise
    theorise over 9 years
    This will only work if the floated element has a greater height than the one with the fixed position.
  • zehata
    zehata about 6 years
    Also works with more than 2 items, just put 1 of them as float:left and the rest position:absolute