ClearType keeps turning off on Windows over RDP


Solution found. In the Windows remote desktop client, there is an option to enable all sorts of eye candy. In the Remote Desktop Connection dialog, click Show Options, navigate to the Experience tab and select a non-automatic connection speed. Then you can allow the desired visual options.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • JohnEye
    JohnEye over 1 year

    Every time I log onto the computer, ClearType is turned off. I can turn it on manually, but after the session ends, everything is back to ugly. Especially the Consolas font in Eclipse looks very bad. How do I force ClearType to stay enabled?

    • Admin
      Admin about 7 years
      Question for visitors: Is this applicable to other Windows versions? If so, please leave a comment or edit the question.
    • Admin
      Admin about 5 years
      Yes, I have this on 8.1 right now.
  • Mattieu Kevin
    Mattieu Kevin over 7 years
  • domen
    domen almost 7 years
    When using terminal mode rdesktop on Linux, you can use -x 0x80 to enable this.
  • Ruslan
    Ruslan over 4 years
    When using xfreerdp on Linux, you can use +fonts option to enable font smoothing.