clients can't connect to hostapd on raspberry pi


SOLVED! I can connect to the AP now. The problem was wlan0 wasn't up and assigned an IP & subnet mask. It needs to be up before dnsmasq and hostapd starts. I'm running this setup in a script and stupidly had ifconfig wlan0 netmask up as the last command instead of the first command before dnsmasq and hostapd.

Hope this helps someone.

Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • crashintoty
    crashintoty over 1 year

    I can't get any device (Win7, Win8 or Android) to connect to my poor man's wireless access point (raspberry pi + rtl8192cu chipset USB adapter (Belkin N300 micro) + hostapd + dnsmasq). After clicking/tapping "Connect" I simply get an error message saying its unable to connect. Assigning a static IP and then connecting is also unsuccessful so its not a IP/DHCP/dnsmasq issue. sudo hostapd -dd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf doesn't offer any clues; there's no error messages when clients are trying to connect. /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf is dead simple with only interface, ssid and channel declared. I'm not doing any bridging, NAT or getting on the Internet with this setup... I just need it to be an access point so I connect to it via a web browser while in the car (my Android doesn't do ad-hoc unfortunately). Here is hostapd's output (that's me terminating the program towards the end):

    random: Trying to read entropy from /dev/random
    Configuration file: /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
    BSS count 1, BSSID mask 00:00:00:00:00:00 (0 bits)
    Allowed channel: mode=1 chan=1 freq=2412 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=1 chan=2 freq=2417 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=1 chan=3 freq=2422 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=1 chan=4 freq=2427 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=1 chan=5 freq=2432 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=1 chan=6 freq=2437 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=1 chan=7 freq=2442 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=1 chan=8 freq=2447 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=1 chan=9 freq=2452 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=1 chan=10 freq=2457 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=1 chan=11 freq=2462 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=1 chan=12 freq=2467 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=1 chan=13 freq=2472 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=1 chan=14 freq=2484 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=0 chan=1 freq=2412 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=0 chan=2 freq=2417 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=0 chan=3 freq=2422 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=0 chan=4 freq=2427 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=0 chan=5 freq=2432 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=0 chan=6 freq=2437 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=0 chan=7 freq=2442 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=0 chan=8 freq=2447 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=0 chan=9 freq=2452 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=0 chan=10 freq=2457 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=0 chan=11 freq=2462 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=36 freq=5180 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=40 freq=5200 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=44 freq=5220 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=48 freq=5240 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=52 freq=5260 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=56 freq=5280 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=60 freq=5300 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=64 freq=5320 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=100 freq=5500 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=104 freq=5520 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=108 freq=5540 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=112 freq=5560 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=116 freq=5580 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=120 freq=5600 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=124 freq=5620 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=128 freq=5640 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=132 freq=5660 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=136 freq=5680 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=140 freq=5700 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=149 freq=5745 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=153 freq=5765 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=157 freq=5785 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=161 freq=5805 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Allowed channel: mode=2 chan=165 freq=5825 MHz max_tx_power=0 dBm
    Completing interface initialization
    Mode: IEEE 802.11b  Channel: 1  Frequency: 2412 MHz
    RATE[0] rate=10 flags=0x1
    RATE[1] rate=20 flags=0x1
    RATE[2] rate=55 flags=0x0
    RATE[3] rate=110 flags=0x0
    Flushing old station entries
    Deauthenticate all stations
    +rtl871x_sta_deauth_ops, ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff is deauth, reason=2
    Using interface wlan0 with hwaddr 08:86:3b:f3:af:38 and ssid 'raspido'
    rtl871x_set_hidden_ssid ignore_broadcast_ssid:0, raspido,7
    wlan0: Setup of interface done.
    random: Got 20/20 bytes from /dev/random
    Wireless event: cmd=0x8b15 len=20
    Wireless event: cmd=0x8b15 len=20
    Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
    Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
    Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
    Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
    Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
    Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
    Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
    Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
    Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
    Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
    Signal 2 received - terminating
    Flushing old station entries
    Deauthenticate all stations
    +rtl871x_sta_deauth_ops, ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff is deauth, reason=2
    ELOOP: remaining socket: sock=6 eloop_data=0x1f856b8 user_data=(nil) handler=0x2a000

    Any ideas?

    • crashintoty
      crashintoty about 10 years
      So I made a little progress troubleshooting this - wlan0 wasn't up and assigned an IP & subnet mask. I can connect to the AP now, but dnsmasq is not giving me an IP address (I get limited connectivity notification). Assigning a client a static IP doesn't help - can't ping the access point. Any ideas?
    • crashintoty
      crashintoty about 10 years
      I guess the title/original problem has been resolved so I will mark it as so.