Clone A Private Repository (Github)


Solution 1

Private clone URLs take the form [email protected]:username/repo.git - perhaps you needed to use git@ rather than git://?

git:// URLs are read only, and it looks like private repos do not allow this form of access.

Solution 2

This worked for me:

git clone https://[email protected]/username/repo_name

Solution 3

I have met this issue several times and every time I landed on this page, tried every thing and failed!

It's because I have 2FA enabled!!!

According to

If you have enabled two-factor authentication, or if you are accessing an organization that uses SAML single sign-on, you must provide a personal access token instead of entering your password for HTTPS Git.

  1. Follow this link and create an access token
  2. git clone (The default git repo link is good enough!)
  3. Enter your username and use the access token as password!!


  • If you don't mind exposing your access token in the command line, you can also paste the access token as username then hit enter enter (no need for password).
  • Hate copy&pasting the access token over and over again?
    Use git config credential.helper store (don't do this on machine you don't trust)

Solution 4

This worked for me:

git clone https://username:[email protected]/username/repo_name.git

Solution 5

Apr, 2022 Update:

You can clone a private repository from your account and you can also clone a private repository from organization if you're its owner or member.

*pat is PAT(Personal Access Token).

git clone https://<pat><your account or organization>/<repo>.git

To clone a private repository from your account or organization, you need to generate a PAT(Personal Access Token) on your Github account, and add it to the command above. *Organization doesn't have PAT generator.

This is how you generate a PAT on your Github account:

1, Go to "Settings":

enter image description here

2, Scroll down then go to "Developer settings":

enter image description here

3, Press "Personal access tokens" then press "Generate new token":

enter image description here

4, Fill "Note" then check "repo":

*If "repo" is not checked, you cannot clone a private repository.

enter image description here

5, Scroll down then press "Generate token":

enter image description here

6, Finally, a PAT is generated:

enter image description here

This is the command with the PAT generated above:

git clone https://[email protected]/<your account or organization>/<repo>.git
Author by


Updated on July 15, 2022


  • Solomon
    Solomon almost 2 years

    I have a private repository on Github for a project I'm working on. Until now I had only worked on my home desktop, but I just bought a laptop, and am trying to set it up so that I can work on the project from either computer, and push / pull changes.

    I added a new SSH key to my Github account for the laptop, and was successful in cloning and making changes to a public test repo that I set up. However, I couldn't clone the private repo. Is there anything special I need to do in the command line in order to clone a private repo? Do I need to set up a new GitHub account for my laptop and set myself up as a collaborator?

    The command I used was git clone git://

  • Félix Adriyel Gagnon-Grenier
    Félix Adriyel Gagnon-Grenier over 8 years
    I agree with simplicity of not having to setup ssh
  • reinhardt
    reinhardt about 8 years
    thanks for this. But I'm oblivious as to why this works. Was never prompted for a password. Should git clone via https in any way touch my ssh keys? I thought not.
  • The Onin
    The Onin almost 8 years
    Nice, it made me able to download a private repo on Ubuntu.
  • greg_data
    greg_data over 7 years
    Agree with other comments, just using HTTPS url works perfect on Windows or Ubuntu (tried on 116.04)
  • diimdeep
    diimdeep about 7 years
    Why this works but [email protected]:username/repo.git don't ?
  • charlchad
    charlchad over 6 years
    @diimdeep Git and other tools, often use the git: protocol for accessing files in remote repositories. Some firewall configurations are blocking git:// URLs, which leads to errors when trying to clone repositories or download dependencies. (For example corporate firewalls are "notorious" for blocking git:.) If you run into this issue, you can force the use of https: instead, by running the following command: git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
  • David Winiecki
    David Winiecki about 6 years
    In some cases, if you are prompted for a password and then denied access, it may be because you need to provide a "personal access token" instead of your GitHub login password. [1] [2]…
  • pcnate
    pcnate almost 6 years
    this is problematic with special character passwords, leaves your password in the logs and doesn't seem to work anymore
  • pcnate
    pcnate almost 6 years
    looks like git prompts for username/password if there is no public repository with that URI, so the first command is correct
  • Pavel Šimerda
    Pavel Šimerda almost 6 years
    The answer is wrong, SSH key has no relevance to HTTP access.
  • Let Me Tink About It
    Let Me Tink About It over 5 years
    The dollar symbol $ is a reserved character in Unix. It marks the beginning of the retrieval of a variable value with that name equal to the string that follows the $ symbol.
  • leo
    leo over 5 years
    Yes - using "[email protected]:" rather than "https://" solved my problem! Actually I enabled 2FA at the same time but that had nothing to do with it.
  • Vinay
    Vinay about 5 years
    Try this - You will be prompted to enter your account password. No worries of password learking to history or logs. git clone https://[email protected]/username/repo_name.git
  • bvdb
    bvdb over 4 years
    It displays: unknown option -T. My git version is 2.7.4
  • Kexin Lu
    Kexin Lu over 4 years
    @bvdb my apologies, it should have been ssh -T [email protected]
  • Jirik
    Jirik over 4 years
    If you are on Windows you can install Then when cloning a private repository, UI window with Github login appear. It will also let you fill 2FA code. Your Github credentials will be stored securely.
  • Michael Larionov
    Michael Larionov over 4 years
    For me deleting Windows Credentials fixed the problem.
  • Tian
    Tian almost 4 years
    This is not safe. The cloned repo stores the provided http link in the .git/config file. All commits made to the local repo can be pushed to remote without requiring username and password. Which is really dangerous if you are not the only user!!
  • Raghu
    Raghu over 3 years
    In 2FA method at step #4, where is the host mentioned in clone command ?
  • Black Mamba
    Black Mamba over 3 years
    Yes, where https://[email protected] is the repository you're trying to clone and the settings are available in your own user settings.
  • Farhan Hai Khan
    Farhan Hai Khan over 3 years
    Well if it worked for me in GOOGLE COLABORATORY!
  • Alvin Novian
    Alvin Novian over 3 years
    Thank you for this, another way is to set the url format like this: https://username:[email protected]/username/repo_name.‌​git it's helpful for me if I have public repo that changed to private. All I need to do is to change the remote origin with that format.
  • Muneeb Ahmad Khurram
    Muneeb Ahmad Khurram about 3 years
    good, answer works well in google colab just, change ur password before sharing the .ipynb file :)
  • dylanvanw
    dylanvanw almost 3 years
    Authentication using passwords will be depreciated on August 13, 2021 and will no longer work after that.…
  • Milliron X
    Milliron X almost 3 years
    This will still work if you use a Personal Access Token, and can easily be scripted to prompt for a token (read -s).
  • teoman
    teoman over 2 years
    git clone https://[USER]:[TOKEN] also works!
  • fred
    fred over 2 years
    This apparently has changed slightly. git clone https://user:[email protected]/username/repo.git worked for me
  • bytefish
    bytefish almost 2 years
    Works for me in 2022.