CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "Firebase/Core” | cloud_firestore, Flutter


Solution 1

My setup: VS Code, Flutter

If you don't have Podfile.lock file and pod update doesn't help, try this:

  1. Go to ios/Pods/Local Podspecs directory in your project
  2. Check every json file to find highest required ios version. Mine was "ios": "10.0" in some of them
  3. Go back to ios/ directory
  4. Open Podfile file
  5. Uncomment # platform :ios, '9.0' and replace 9.0 with version from 2. step, for example 10.0.
    • # platform :ios, '9.0' > platform :ios, '10.0'
  6. Run pod install and the error should be gone

Solution 2

pod update

Should do the trick. You're welcome :-)

Solution 3

This issue can happen when you upgrade your FlutterFire packages and attempt to build for iOS or macOS, this is usually down to one of the following:

Here is some reason and their solution

  1. BREAKING FEAT: forward port to firebase-ios-sdk v7.3.0.
  • Due to this SDK upgrade, iOS 10 is now the minimum supported version by FlutterFire. Please update your build target version.


    Go to the file ios/Podfile inside your project, and uncomment

    # platform :ios, '9.0'

    Then change the version to 10

    platform :ios, '10.0'

    And Go back to ios/ directory and Run pod install in your terminal and try your build again.

  1. Your Podfile.lock version inside your iOS or macOS directory is out of date and locked to older versions of the Firebase iOS SDKs whereas the newly upgraded FlutterFire packages might be using newer versions of these SDKs.

    Solution: Delete the Podfile.lock file and try your build again. This file will get regenerated after the next pod install.

  2. Your pod specs repo is out of date, meaning CocoaPods locally isn't aware of any potential newer versions of the Firebase iOS SDKs that have been recently published.

    Solution: Go back to ios/ directory and Run pod repo update in your terminal and try your build again.

Solution 4

On mac M1 (in ios folder), try arch -x86_64 pod update. Worked for me

Solution 5

I got a similar error:

Specs satisfying the `firebase_auth (from `.symlinks/plugins/firebase_auth/ios`)` dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.

What did not work for me:

As per the other answers, I went to the Podfile & updated:

  • from: # platform :ios, '9.0'
  • to: platform :ios, '13.0'

Then tried flutter run again but this time it was stuck at:

Running Xcode build....

The wait was unnatural & my patience grew thin so I discarded this change & looked for another solution.

Finally, What worked for me:

  1. flutter clean
  2. flutter pub get
  3. flutter run

No need to modify Podfile to specify a minimum ios target 🎉

Jashan PJ
Author by

Jashan PJ

I have over 10 years of experience working in mobile application development. Currently, I am working as Team Lead(Naico ITS Kochi), in this role I am developing and managing applications in native android, react native and flutter.

Updated on January 14, 2022


  • Jashan PJ
    Jashan PJ over 2 years

    I am having some issues in the pod, see below

    Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone X in debug mode... Running pod install... CocoaPods' output: ↳ Preparing

    Analyzing dependencies
    Inspecting targets to integrate
      Using `ARCHS` setting to build architectures of target `Pods-Runner`: (``)
    Fetching external sources
    -> Fetching podspec for `Flutter` from `.symlinks/flutter/ios`
    -> Fetching podspec for `cloud_firestore` from `.symlinks/plugins/cloud_firestore/ios`
    -> Fetching podspec for `firebase_core` from `.symlinks/plugins/firebase_core/ios`
    -> Fetching podspec for `shared_preferences` from `.symlinks/plugins/shared_preferences/ios`
    -> Fetching podspec for `url_launcher` from `.symlinks/plugins/url_launcher/ios`
    Resolving dependencies of `Podfile`
    [!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "Firebase/Core":
      In Podfile:
        cloud_firestore (from `.symlinks/plugins/cloud_firestore/ios`) was resolved to 0.0.1, which depends on
    Specs satisfying the `Firebase/Core` dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.
    CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler":
      In Podfile:
        cloud_firestore (from `.symlinks/plugins/cloud_firestore/ios`) was resolved to 0.0.1, which depends on
          Firebase/Core was resolved to 5.8.0, which depends on
            FirebaseAnalytics (= 5.1.2) was resolved to 5.1.2, which depends on
              GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 5.2.0)
    Specs satisfying the `GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 5.2.0)` dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.
    CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "gRPC-Core":
      In Podfile:
        cloud_firestore (from `.symlinks/plugins/cloud_firestore/ios`) was resolved to 0.0.1, which depends on
          Firebase/Firestore was resolved to 5.8.0, which depends on
            FirebaseFirestore (= 0.13.3) was resolved to 0.13.3, which depends on
              gRPC-C++ (~> 0.0.3) was resolved to 0.0.3, which depends on
                gRPC-C++/Implementation (= 0.0.3) was resolved to 0.0.3, which depends on
                  gRPC-Core (= 1.14.0)
        cloud_firestore (from `.symlinks/plugins/cloud_firestore/ios`) was resolved to 0.0.1, which depends on
          Firebase/Firestore was resolved to 5.8.0, which depends on
            FirebaseFirestore (= 0.13.3) was resolved to 0.13.3, which depends on
              gRPC-ProtoRPC (~> 1.0) was resolved to 1.14.1, which depends on
                gRPC-ProtoRPC/Main (= 1.14.1) was resolved to 1.14.1, which depends on
                  gRPC (= 1.14.1) was resolved to 1.14.1, which depends on
                    gRPC/Main (= 1.14.1) was resolved to 1.14.1, which depends on
                      gRPC-Core (= 1.14.1)
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/molinillo-0.6.5/lib/molinillo/resolution.rb:328:in `raise_error_unless_state'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/molinillo-0.6.5/lib/molinillo/resolution.rb:310:in `block in unwind_for_conflict'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/molinillo-0.6.5/lib/molinillo/resolution.rb:308:in `tap'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/molinillo-0.6.5/lib/molinillo/resolution.rb:308:in `unwind_for_conflict'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/molinillo-0.6.5/lib/molinillo/resolution.rb:684:in `attempt_to_activate'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/molinillo-0.6.5/lib/molinillo/resolution.rb:254:in `process_topmost_state'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/molinillo-0.6.5/lib/molinillo/resolution.rb:182:in `resolve'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/molinillo-0.6.5/lib/molinillo/resolver.rb:43:in `resolve'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/cocoapods-1.5.3/lib/cocoapods/resolver.rb:123:in `resolve'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/cocoapods-1.5.3/lib/cocoapods/installer/analyzer.rb:781:in `block in resolve_dependencies'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/cocoapods-1.5.3/lib/cocoapods/user_interface.rb:64:in `section'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/cocoapods-1.5.3/lib/cocoapods/installer/analyzer.rb:779:in `resolve_dependencies'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/cocoapods-1.5.3/lib/cocoapods/installer/analyzer.rb:88:in `analyze'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/cocoapods-1.5.3/lib/cocoapods/installer.rb:243:in `analyze'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/cocoapods-1.5.3/lib/cocoapods/installer.rb:154:in `block in resolve_dependencies'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/cocoapods-1.5.3/lib/cocoapods/user_interface.rb:64:in `section'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/cocoapods-1.5.3/lib/cocoapods/installer.rb:153:in `resolve_dependencies'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/cocoapods-1.5.3/lib/cocoapods/installer.rb:116:in `install!'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/cocoapods-1.5.3/lib/cocoapods/command/install.rb:41:in `run'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/claide-1.0.2/lib/claide/command.rb:334:in `run'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/cocoapods-1.5.3/lib/cocoapods/command.rb:52:in `run'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/cocoapods-1.5.3/bin/pod:55:in `<top (required)>'
    /usr/local/bin/pod:22:in `load'
    /usr/local/bin/pod:22:in `<main>'

    Error output from CocoaPods: ↳ [33mWARNING: CocoaPods requires your terminal to be using UTF-8 encoding. Consider adding the following to ~/.profile:

        export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
    [!] Automatically assigning platform `ios` with version `8.0` on target `Runner` because no platform was specified. Please specify a platform for this target in your Podfile. See ``.

    Error running pod install Error launching application on iPhone X.

  • Random Code Monkey
    Random Code Monkey over 5 years
    Update I got this to work by adding this line to my Podfile: pod 'Firebase', '~> 5.7'
  • Raz Buchnik
    Raz Buchnik almost 5 years
    I get this error: Analyzing dependencies [!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod
  • tcone33
    tcone33 about 4 years
    This will update all your pods though, which you might not want. I think Random Code Money's solution is better. Basically clear the Cocoapod cache from the project and reinstall.
  • ymerdrengene
    ymerdrengene over 3 years
    Just to clarify. If using Android Studio --> Press Terminal --> cd ios --> pod update
  • Shazamo Morebucks
    Shazamo Morebucks over 3 years
    Yeah I did this too, worked. I think the flutterfire team needs to fix their dang dependencies
  • Modesto Cabrera
    Modesto Cabrera about 3 years
    agree @ShazamoMorebucks this is very cumbersome, I believe tech lead's comments on YouTube regarding Flutter have a lot of merit. I don't see Flutter as a long term solution as its fundamentally broken with so many issues that are never fixed.
  • Renaud Tarnec
    Renaud Tarnec about 3 years
    It's important not forgetting to uncomment the # platform :ios, '9.0' line as it is commented by default and one may not see that immediately.
  • Utku
    Utku about 3 years
    This solution painkiller for me. Thank you.
  • Neo
    Neo almost 3 years
    Legend. Thanks a lot
  • Chen Li Yong
    Chen Li Yong almost 3 years
    This works for me, but I just need to uncomment the platform on podfile one, and increase the minimum platform to 11.0 no need to go into each local podspecs.
  • Kenneth Murerwa
    Kenneth Murerwa almost 3 years
    Why isn't this marked as the answer already?
  • Phill Z
    Phill Z almost 3 years
    To get the version numbers out of all the json files, run this command: find ios/Pods/Local\ Podspecs/ -name \*.json -exec jq -r '.platforms.ios' {} \; | sort -un
  • jaspreet Singh
    jaspreet Singh almost 3 years
    Yes! it worked. It saved lots of time for me
  • Adam Pearlman
    Adam Pearlman over 2 years
    Happy to be your 100th upvote!
  • Utku A.
    Utku A. over 2 years
    I had to realize couple of steps more. Here is the answer which I'm referring:
  • Poornima Mishra
    Poornima Mishra over 2 years
    it worked for me .thanks
  • Marcus Rohden
    Marcus Rohden over 2 years
    worked for me! thanks :)
  • karrar kazuya
    karrar kazuya over 2 years
    this worked for me
  • Arun Panneerselvam
    Arun Panneerselvam over 2 years
    Platform : ios , '14.0' and arch -x86_64 pod update <- Worked like a charm!
  • Adam Smaka
    Adam Smaka over 2 years
    on M1 macs: arch -x86_64 pod update
  • Rustam Usmanov
    Rustam Usmanov about 2 years
    huh thanks man :)
  • Benoît Cerise
    Benoît Cerise about 2 years
    This is what worked for me on Mac M1.
  • Ali Aljabri
    Ali Aljabri almost 2 years
    This is the perfect solution
  • Shalabyer
    Shalabyer almost 2 years
    CMD+Shift+F and write platforms": { and scroll between all targets in your dir