Comparison of database column types in MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite? (Cross-Mapping)


List of things I'd do differently:

MEDIUMINT in MySQL is an odd duck (3 bytes). I would avoid it, but otherwise map it to INTEGER too.

The MySQL BOOLEAN (alias BOOL, alias TINYINT(1) ) is not compatible with the pg boolean type. You may or may not be able to port apps depending on what they use as boolean literals. In MySQL, TRUE and FALSE map to 1 and 0 integer values. It looks like the pg BOOLEAN type uses string literal notation. So apps may or may not be portable - at least it is no drop in replacement.

Finally, for the last line in your tabl I think the SQLite phrase should read:


This is roughly equivalent to


in MySQL. In postgres, the SERIAL datatype results in an INTEGER column, and this will about the same as MySQL's


Postgres also has a BIGSERIAL type, which is the same as SERIAL but with a BIGINT type instead of an INT type.

What I missed:

I am missing INTEGER (alias INT) for MySQL. It is comparable to INTEGER in pg. Very important omissions: VARCHAR and CHAR. Semantically, VARCHAR in MySQL and PG, and CHAR in MySQL and PG are the same, but in MySQL these types have a much shorter maximum length. In MySQL these types can have a maximum of a little less than 64kb, in pg 1Gb (bytes). The actual length specifier is expressed in the number of characters, so if you have a multi-byte character set, you have to divide the maximum lenght by the maximum number of characters to get the theoretical maximum length specified for that characterset. In SQLite, VARCHAR and CHAR map both to TEXT

The BIT datatypes in MySQL and PG have roughly the same semantics, but in MySQL the maximum length of the BIT data type is 64 (bits)

I think the MySQL VARBINARY data type is best comparable to PG's BYTEA datatype. (but indeed MySQL's BLOB types also map to that)

The FLOAT type in MySQL should be equivalent to REAL in postgres (and REAL in SQLite too) The DECIMAL type in MySQL is equivalent to DECIMAL in postgres, except that in postgres, the type does not impose an arbtrary limit on the precision, whereas in MySQL the maximum precision is (i believe) 70. (that is, 70 number positions) For both MySQL and Postgres, NUMERIC is an alias for the DECIMAL type.

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PHP, Javascript, and Go Application developer responsible for over 50 open source projects and libraries at By default I build Go backends with AngularJS frontends. Thanks to Ionic and Electron this even works for mobile and desktop apps. Bash, PHP, Python, Node.js, and random linux libraries are used for specific tasks because of the size of the ecosystems or libraries for odd jobs.

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Xeoncross
    Xeoncross almost 2 years

    I am trying to find some way to relate column types across the the most used Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

    Here is what I have so far, but I'm afraid it's not done and I need some people with more experience to help me finish any missing types.

    MySQL                   PostgreSQL          SQLite
    TINYINT                 SMALLINT            INTEGER
    SMALLINT                SMALLINT
    MEDIUMINT               INTEGER
    BIGINT                  BIGINT
    BIT                     BIT                 INTEGER
    INT UNSIGNED            BIGINT
    DOUBLE                  DOUBLE PRECISION    REAL
    FLOAT                   REAL                REAL
    DECIMAL                 DECIMAL             REAL
    NUMERIC                 NUMERIC             REAL
    BOOLEAN                 BOOLEAN             INTEGER
    DATE                    DATE                TEXT
    TIME                    TIME
    DATETIME                TIMESTAMP
    NOW()                   NOW()   
    LONGTEXT                TEXT                TEXT
    MEDIUMTEXT              TEXT                TEXT
    BLOB                    BYTEA               BLOB
    VARCHAR                 VARCHAR             TEXT
    CHAR                    CHAR                TEXT
    columnname INT          columnname SERIAL   INTEGER PRIMARY 
    AUTO_INCREMENT                              KEY AUTOINCREMENT
  • Evan Carroll
    Evan Carroll over 14 years
    there is another difference, in Pg you only use varchar() when you have a reasonable reason to invoke the constraint it provides. In MySQL you do it to have a large internally inlined blob of text that runs quickly. In Pg it runs slower, and takes up my room. In Pg you would almost never use varchar().
  • Roland Bouman
    Roland Bouman over 14 years
    EvanCarrol, that's interesting. So what should one use in pg to store fairly small bits of text like person names, product names, short (say, less than 255) descriptions? just TEXT?
  • user340140
    user340140 over 10 years
    postgres booleans are not string literal types, they only look that way. if you cast them to integer the come out o,1, or NULL as apropriate, conversely if you have 0,1 or NULL integers you can cast them to boolean. COPY...FROM accepts numbers but INSERT needs an explicit cast or quotes around the number. so '0', cast ( 0 as boolen),'f', and false will all work in an insert expecting boolean.