concatenate stringstream in c++


Solution 1

Should be:

b << dest;
a << b.str();

stringstream::str returns the underlying string in the stringstream.

Solution 2


a << b.rdbuf();

provided that get pointer is on the beginning of the stream to avoid allocating yet another std::string for content.

Solution 3

More generically across iostreams:

std::istream is1, is2; // eg. (i)stringstream
std::ostream os;       // eg. (o)stringstream

os << is1.rdbuf();
os << is2.rdbuf();
os << std::flush;

This works for filestreams, std::cin etc. as well as for stringstream

Solution 4

You don't need two instance of std::stringstream. One is enough for the purpose.

std::stringstream a;
a << source << dest;

std::string s = a.str(); //get the underlying string

Solution 5

The question was "how to concatenate STREAMS", the answers explained how to concatenate the contents of the streams. Here is a class which can be used to concatenate two istreams into one istream (file ConcatStreams.h):

class ConcatStreams
: public std::streambuf {
std::streambuf* sbuf1_;
std::streambuf* sbuf2_;
char*           buffer_;
int useBuf;
int bufSize;
ConcatStreams(std::streambuf* sbuf1, std::streambuf* sbuf2)
    : bufSize(1024), sbuf1_(sbuf1), sbuf2_(sbuf2), buffer_(new char[bufSize]), useBuf(1) {
ConcatStreams(const ConcatStreams& orig);
virtual ~ConcatStreams() { delete[] this->buffer_; }
int underflow() {
    if (this->gptr() == this->egptr()) {
        // get data into buffer_, obtaining its input from
        // this->sbuf_; if necessary resize buffer
        // if no more characters are available, size == 0.
        std::streamsize size=0;
        if(useBuf==1) {
            size = this->sbuf1_->sgetn(this->buffer_, bufSize);
            if(!size) { useBuf++;}
        if(useBuf==2) {
            size = this->sbuf2_->sgetn(this->buffer_, bufSize);
            if(!size) { useBuf++;}
        this->setg(this->buffer_, this->buffer_, this->buffer_ + size);
    return this->gptr() == this->egptr()
         ? std::char_traits<char>::eof()
         : std::char_traits<char>::to_int_type(*this->gptr());

To use it:

#include "ConcatStreams.h"
istringstream msgIn1("this is a stream.");
istringstream msgIn2("this is another stream.");
ConcatStreams cs(msgIn1.rdbuf(), msgIn2.rdbuf());
istream msgIn(&cs);
cout << "'" << msgIn.rdbuf() << "'" << endl;

Basically the class uses the streambuf's from the streams passed to it to create a new streambuf which first reads the first streambuf and then reads the second streambuf when finished with the first one.

Carlitos Overflow
Author by

Carlitos Overflow

Updated on August 29, 2020


  • Carlitos Overflow
    Carlitos Overflow over 3 years

    How can I concatenate two stringstreams?

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <sstream>
    #include <string>
    #include "types.h"    
    int main () {
        char dest[1020] = "you";
        char source[7] = "baby";
        stringstream a,b;
        a << source;
        b << dest;
        a << b; /*HERE NEED CONCATENATE*/
        cout << a << endl;
        cout << a.str() << endl;
        return 0;

    The output is the following in both tries:


    The desired output is babyyou.

  • jli
    jli over 12 years
    Of course as mentioned you don't need 2 stringstreams in this case, however I assumed that the given example is a trivial version of some more complex use case.
  • Den-Jason
    Den-Jason over 6 years
    This will create a copy of b's string data; I think the questioner may be looking for a way to avoid doing that.
  • sehe
    sehe about 6 years
    This class is bugged (the initialization of bufSize comes after the use in constructing buffer_) and is generally unnecessarily low-level. Here's a c++17 version