Connect to samba server remotely


Solution 1

As @David noted this is not simple to use samba from wan. In local net deamon swat provides the tools to confugure samba server over http://localhost:901 but this is not directly accessible as wan web host. You rather look for webdav WebDav DavenPort or ssh with portforwarding use. Found similiar question on ServerFault

Solution 2

Setup Tinc VPN on both the machine and watch magic happend

Tinc will create a virtual private network over wan (the internet) and if you have a fast outbound bandwidth it will stream video/audio just fine, i have tried it a few times and it plays pretty reliably inside tinc tunnel (windows share)


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Quinton M.
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Quinton M.

BY DAY: Programmer BY EVENING: Gamer BY NIGHT: Sleeping, usually.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Quinton M.
    Quinton M. over 1 year

    I have a Samba server say at ""

    I'm fairly new to Samba as I usually use SFTP for file transfers but I wanted something more Windows Native.

    I used the samba config from but changing the directory and the share name.

    I'm trying to map the network drive. I try using // but with no avail.

    What I'm asking is how to setup the server (or client) so that I can connect to it remotely.

    Edit: For some clarification I'm trying to access it remotely. over the internets.

    • David Schwartz
      David Schwartz over 11 years
      You kind of have to describe the problem. Just saying it didn't work isn't very helpful. Are you trying to access a Samba server over a WAN? If so, that's a terrible idea. The SMB protocol is only designed for file sharing over a LAN. (It can be used over a VPN, though performance tends to be awful.)
    • Quinton M.
      Quinton M. over 11 years
      edited the question.
    • Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
      Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams over 11 years
      Windows uses backslashes in UNC paths.
    • Cry Havok
      Cry Havok over 11 years
      Note that many ISPs block the Windows file sharing ports, so you're likely to have problems trying to do it that way.
    • David Schwartz
      David Schwartz over 11 years
      @qmarchi: Just don't do that. It's the wrong tool for the job. Samba is a LAN thing, not a WAN thing. If you have no choice, you can get it to work over a VPN, but performance will be terrible. Whatever your outer problem is, there are better solutions.