Connect to ViewController from AppDelegate (Swift)


Solution 1

It seems that AppDelegate can connect to objects only within Application Scene in a storyboard. If you want to get a ViewController, instantiate it from a storyboard.


@IBAction func menuAction(sender: AnyObject) {
    if let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil) {
        let controller = storyboard.instantiateControllerWithIdentifier("VC1") as NSViewController

        if let window = NSApplication.sharedApplication().mainWindow {
            window.contentViewController = controller // just swap

Solution 2

You can access the mainWinow property and the contentViewController property to create a reference to your custom ViewController class. This is similar to the iOS rootViewController property.

let rootViewController = NSApplication.shared().mainWindow?.windowController?.contentViewController as! ViewController

Now you can use this reference to access IBOutlets on your main storyboard from your AppDelegate.

rootViewController.myTextView.textStorage?.mutableString.setString("Cats and dogs.")

This is good for a simple app with one Window with one ViewController.

Solution 3

I was stuck trying to do this same thing recently and managed to get the event I needed to update my view by creating the @IBAction in my ViewController and control dragging to my Application's First Responder (above the menu in my storyboard view).

Here's the question that got me out of the woods: Application Menu Items Xcode

And thanks to Bluedome for the suggestion to connect it to First Responder's action.

Michael Knudsen
Author by

Michael Knudsen

Data Manager, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark.

Updated on July 23, 2022


  • Michael Knudsen
    Michael Knudsen almost 2 years

    I have created a new OS X Cocoa Application using the standard Xcode Swift template (using StoryBoards).

    I have implemented an IBAction in AppDelegate.swift to handle when the users selects "Open..." from the "File" menu. If the chosen file is a valid image file, I create an NSImage which I then want to display in the view of ViewController.

        @IBAction func openFile(sender: NSMenuItem) {
        var openPanel = NSOpenPanel()
        openPanel.beginWithCompletionHandler { (result :Int) -> Void in
            if result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton {
                if let imageURL = openPanel.URL {
                    let image = NSImage(contentsOfURL: imageURL)
                    // PRESENT image IN THE VIEW CONTROLLER

    However, I don't see any way to connect to ViewController from AppDelegate. I have only managed to find suggestions that I should look at self.window! in AppDelegate, but there is no such thing as a window in AppDelegate.

    Thanks, Michael Knudsen