Convert byte string to base64-encoded string (output not being a byte string)


Solution 1

What works for me is to change the b64encode line to:

myObj = [base64.b64encode(data).decode('ascii')]

This is explained in :

base64 has been intentionally classified as a binary transform.... It was a design decision in Python 3 to force the separation of bytes and text and prohibit implicit transformations.

The accepted answer doesn't work for me (Python 3.9) and gives the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/", line 4, in <module>
    myObj = [base64.b64encode(data)]
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.9/", line 58, in b64encode
    encoded = binascii.b2a_base64(s, newline=False)
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

Solution 2


data = b'foo'.decode('UTF-8')

instead of

data = b'foo'

to convert it into a string.

Solution 3

Try this:

def bytes_to_base64_string(value: bytes) -> str:
   import base64
   return base64.b64encode(value).decode('ASCII')

There is one misunderstanding often made, especially by people coming from the Java world. The bytes.decode('ASCII') actually encodes bytes to string, not decodes them.

Solution 4

I couldn't find a decent answer which worked on converting bytes to urlsafe b64 encoded string, so posting my solution here.

Let's say you have an input:

mystring = b'\xab\x8c\xd3\x1fw\xbb\xaaz\xef\x0e\xcb|\xf0\xc3\xdfx=\x16\xeew7\xffU\ri/#\xcf0\x8a2\xa0'

Encode to base64

from base64 import b64encode # or urlsafe_b64decode
b64_mystring = b64encode(mystring) 

this gives: b'q4zTH3e7qnrvDst88MPfeD0W7nc3/1UNaS8jzzCKMqA=' which still needs decoding, since bytes are not JSON serializable.

import requests
requests.get("", json={"this": b64_mystring})

# raises "TypeError: Object of type bytes is not JSON serializable"

Hence we use:

from base64 import b64encode
b64_mystring = b64encode(mystring).decode("utf-8")

This gives us: q4zTH3e7qnrvDst88MPfeD0W7nc3/1UNaS8jzzCKMqA=

which is now JSON serializable (using json.dumps).

Author by


I am a Master student in Computer Science and hobbyist web developer, experienced in html css3 js regex and a beginner in svg php python c++. I like to think outside the box to find alternative uses for existing features, such as with my CSS3 mineturtle, or with this supposedly impossible question. I came up with CSS3 :checked-based tab menus independently in 2011 (back when IE8 was still by far the most used browser). A personal dislike of mine is jQuery UI's default styling being used so often without being customised. The visited item on your own userprofile that shows the dates you logged in, for example, just doesn't blend in with the other styles at all. &lt;/rant&gt;

Updated on January 15, 2022


  • Joeytje50
    Joeytje50 over 2 years

    I was wondering if it is possible to convert a byte string which I got from reading a file to a string (so type(output) == str). All I've found on Google so far has been answers like How do you base-64 encode a PNG image for use in a data-uri in a CSS file?, which does seem like it would work in python 2 (where, if I'm not mistaken, strings were byte strings anyway), but which doesn't work in python 3.4 anymore.

    The reason I want to convert this resulting byte string to a normal string is that I want to use this base64-encoded data to store in a JSON object, but I keep getting an error similar to:

    TypeError: b'Zm9v' is not JSON serializable

    Here's a minimal example of where it goes wrong:

    import base64
    import json
    data = b'foo'
    myObj = [base64.b64encode(data)]
    json_str = json.dumps(myObj)

    So my question is: is there a way to convert this object of type bytes to an object of type str while still keeping the base64-encoding (so in this example, I want the result to be ["Zm9v"]. Is this possible?

  • Joeytje50
    Joeytje50 over 3 years
    I just tried the accepted answer in python 3.6 and it does appear to still work there. Any idea why there would be breaking changes between these two minor versions? Minor version updates shouldn't have breaking changes, so I'm curious to see. Could you test the accepted answer in python3.6 as well, to see if you can reproduce the error there?
  • jmou
    jmou over 3 years
    Python 3.6 doesn't work for me either: ``` $ docker run --rm -it python:3.6 Python 3.6.12 (default, Nov 18 2020, 14:46:32) [GCC 8.3.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import base64 >>> import json >>> data = b'foo'.decode('UTF-8') >>> myObj = [base64.b64encode(data)] Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/", line 58, in b64encode encoded = binascii.b2a_base64(s, newline=False) TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' ```
  • jmou
    jmou over 3 years
    Sorry for the poor formatting! That's just me running the commands in a Python 3.6 Docker container.