Convert CSV file to xlsx file Python


There were issues with your file. Rename or save them as .txt files first. Then as mentioned in comments, use pandas (@DeepSpace) and specify the delimiter (@Marichyasana).


A renamed text file (e.g. LOGS1.txt) of semi-colon delimited columns, example:



import pandas as pd

filepath_in = "C:/Users/Pictures/LOGS1.txt"
filepath_out = "C:/Users/Pictures/excel.xlsx"
pd.read_csv(filepath_in, delimiter=";").to_excel("foo.xlsx", index=False)

Apply the same process to the second file (LOGS2.txt).

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Updated on June 04, 2022


  • MarcoPolo11
    MarcoPolo11 almost 2 years

    Hello guys I'm looking for a solution to my code where I try to convert a CSV file into an XLSX file and all my data gets reduced into one column separated by ;. (see the pics below)

    Could you please help me to solve one of the two codes in order to make the data representation when converting equal to the csv file?? (see pictures)

    The two following codes give the same result: (important, I am using Python 3.6 env on Jupyter Notebook):

    import os
    import glob
    import csv
    from xlsxwriter.workbook import Workbook
    for csvfile in glob.glob(os.path.join('.', 'LOGS.CSV')):
        workbook = Workbook(csvfile[:-4] + '.xlsx')
        worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
        with open(csvfile, 'r') as f:
            reader = csv.reader((line.replace('\0','-') for line in f))
            for r, row in enumerate (reader):
                for c, col in enumerate(row):
                    worksheet.write(r, c, col)

    import os
    import csv
    import sys
    from openpyxl import Workbook
    data_initial = open("new.csv", "r")
    workbook = Workbook()
    worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0]
    with data_initial as f:
        data = csv.reader((line.replace('\0','') for line in data_initial), delimiter=",")
        for r, row in enumerate(data):
            for c, col in enumerate(row):
                for idx, val in enumerate(col.split('/')):
                    cell = worksheet.cell(row=r+1, column=c+1)
                    cell.value = val'output.xlsx')

    This is my CSV file data organization: Picture:This is my CSV file data organization

    And this is what I get when I convert it into an XLSX: Picture: And this is what I get when I convert it into an XLSX

    Edit from comments

    Okay, so I used @DeepSpace's program:

     import pandas as pd

    and I am still getting this: Image Program xlsx response

    OKAY SOLUTION: The conversion is GREAT. But in my case the first column gets moved somehow. The Data num String is under nothing and the first column is its values... (see the pictures below)

    CSV file

    xlsx converted file

     import pandas as pd
        filepath_in = "C:/Users/Pictures/LOGS.csv"
        filepath_out = "C:/Users/Pictures/excel.xlsx"
        pd.read_csv(filepath_in, delimiter=";").to_excel(filepath_out)
  • MarcoPolo11
    MarcoPolo11 over 6 years
    Thx for Helping, by the way My first Column gets moved and its just a white cell under my Title string do you know why?= (@pylang)
  • pylang
    pylang over 6 years
    @MarcoPolo11 I'm not sure. I've tested it, and it should still would without extra parameters. Your csv seem odd. Can you post your csv as a plaint text file, i.e. open it in a good text editor and post the results. You should see plain text with semicolons between columns.
  • MarcoPolo11
    MarcoPolo11 over 6 years
    Done hope you are able to solve my problem. Thx for fast responding :) @pylang
  • pylang
    pylang over 6 years
    Your files are not true csv files. Notice in excel, all of your data collects in the first column. You are better off renaming them LOGS1.txt and LOGS2.txt. See the update.
  • MarcoPolo11
    MarcoPolo11 about 6 years
    Cool @pylang thx for help its working. One last thing, do you know how to delete a whole column and specified column by me, in csv format or xlsx using python?
  • pylang
    pylang about 6 years
    When you read in the file, it becomes a pandas DataFrame. If you search the net for pandas related questions, you'll find many answers from here forward, e.g. "How to delete a column?", via .drop(column). Then write it to xslx.