Convert String to Int in EF 4.0


If you are using EFv4 + EDMX you can create custom model defined function which will do the CAST for you. You can then use that function in Linq-to-entities queries.

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Updated on June 06, 2022


  • Jeff
    Jeff about 2 years

    Is there any way of doing this at all? I have a string field in the DB and I want to parse it into a int property in my LINQ query (yes, it must be at the IQueryable level, not in memory).

    I know 2 years ago EF 1.0 couldn't do this (even though LINQ to SQL supported this basic functionality out of the box)...but I'm just wondering if anyone has come up with a way of doing this at this point?

    Custom function mappings? Special syntax? Anything at all....


    I tried a model defined function as follows:

        <Function Name="ConvertToInt32" ReturnType="Edm.Int32">
          <Parameter Name="v" Type="Edm.String" />
            CAST(v AS INT)
        [EdmFunction("Model.Repository", "ConvertToInt32")]
        public static int ConvertToInt32(string value)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Only valid when used as part of a LINQ query.");

    but it doesn't seem to work. I get the runtime exception:

            ErrorDescription=Type 'INT' could not be found. Make sure that the required schemas are loaded and that the namespaces are imported correctly.
                 at System.Data.Common.EntitySql.SemanticAnalyzer.ConvertTypeName(Node typeName, SemanticResolver sr)
                 at System.Data.Common.EntitySql.SemanticAnalyzer.ConvertTypeExprArgs(BuiltInExpr astBuiltInExpr, SemanticResolver sr)
                 at System.Data.Common.EntitySql.SemanticAnalyzer.<CreateBuiltInExprConverter>b__73(BuiltInExpr bltInExpr, SemanticResolver sr)
                 at System.Data.Common.EntitySql.SemanticAnalyzer.ConvertBuiltIn(Node astExpr, SemanticResolver sr)
                 at System.Data.Common.EntitySql.SemanticAnalyzer.Convert(Node astExpr, SemanticResolver sr)
                 at System.Data.Common.EntitySql.SemanticAnalyzer.ConvertValueExpression(Node astExpr, SemanticResolver sr)
                 at System.Data.Common.EntitySql.SemanticAnalyzer.ConvertQueryStatementToDbExpression(Statement astStatement, SemanticResolver sr)
                 at System.Data.Common.EntitySql.SemanticAnalyzer.AnalyzeQueryCommand(Node astExpr)
                 at System.Data.Common.EntitySql.CqlQuery.<AnalyzeQueryExpressionSemantics>b__8(SemanticAnalyzer analyzer, Node astExpr)
                 at System.Data.Common.EntitySql.CqlQuery.AnalyzeSemanticsCommon[TResult](Node astExpr, Perspective perspective, ParserOptions parserOptions, IEnumerable`1 parameters, IEnumerable`1 variables, Func`3 analysisFunction)
                 at System.Data.Common.EntitySql.CqlQuery.AnalyzeQueryExpressionSemantics(Node astQueryCommand, Perspective perspective, ParserOptions parserOptions, IEnumerable`1 parameters, IEnumerable`1 variables)
                 at System.Data.Common.EntitySql.CqlQuery.<>c__DisplayClass4.<CompileQueryCommandLambda>b__3(Node astCommand, ParserOptions validatedParserOptions)
                 at System.Data.Common.EntitySql.CqlQuery.CompileCommon[TResult](String commandText, Perspective perspective, ParserOptions parserOptions, Func`3 compilationFunction)
                 at System.Data.Common.EntitySql.CqlQuery.CompileQueryCommandLambda(String queryCommandText, Perspective perspective, ParserOptions parserOptions, IEnumerable`1 parameters, IEnumerable`1 variables)
                 at System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.Utils.ExternalCalls.CompileFunctionDefinition(String functionFullName, String functionDefinition, IList`1 functionParameters, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection)
                 at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.EdmItemCollection.GenerateFunctionDefinition(EdmFunction function)
                 at System.Data.Common.Utils.Memoizer`2.<>c__DisplayClass2.<Evaluate>b__0()
                 at System.Data.Common.Utils.Memoizer`2.Result.GetValue()
                 at System.Data.Common.Utils.Memoizer`2.Evaluate(TArg arg)
                 at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.EdmItemCollection.GetGeneratedFunctionDefinition(EdmFunction function)
                 at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.MetadataWorkspace.GetGeneratedFunctionDefinition(EdmFunction function)
                 at System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler.ITreeGenerator.Visit(DbFunctionExpression e)

    UPDATE: I got it to work as follows

     <Function Name="ConvertToInt32" ReturnType="Edm.Int32">
          <Parameter Name="v" Type="Edm.String" />
            CAST(v AS Edm.Int32)
  • Jeff
    Jeff about 13 years
    Any way to add this to the MetadataWorkspace at runtime? Ideally I'd like the Convert.ToInt32 to perform this function. Thanks!
  • Jeff
    Jeff about 13 years
    I tried this and it doesn't seem to work: see updated question.
  • Ladislav Mrnka
    Ladislav Mrnka about 13 years
    The question about adding this to metadata workspace at runtime is very good but I don't know the answer for that. Anyway you will not be able to map it to Convert.ToInt32 because you can't add EdmFunction attribute to that method.