Converting an integer to a string in PHP


Solution 1

You can use the strval() function to convert a number to a string.

From a maintenance perspective its obvious what you are trying to do rather than some of the other more esoteric answers. Of course, it depends on your context.

$var = 5;

// Inline variable parsing
echo "I'd like {$var} waffles"; // = I'd like 5 waffles

// String concatenation 
echo "I'd like ".$var." waffles"; // I'd like 5 waffles

// The two examples above have the same end value...
// ... And so do the two below

// Explicit cast 
$items = (string)$var; // $items === "5";

// Function call
$items = strval($var); // $items === "5";

Solution 2

There's many ways to do this.

Two examples:

 $str = (string) $int;
 $str = "$int";     

See the PHP Manual on Types Juggling for more.

Solution 3

$foo = 5;

$foo = $foo . "";

Now $foo is a string.

But, you may want to get used to casting. As casting is the proper way to accomplish something of that sort:

$foo = 5;
$foo = (string)$foo;

Another way is to encapsulate in quotes:

$foo = 5;
$foo = "$foo"

Solution 4

There are a number of ways to "convert" an integer to a string in PHP.

The traditional computer science way would be to cast the variable as a string:

$int = 5;
$int_as_string = (string) $int;
echo $int . ' is a '. gettype($int) . "\n";
echo $int_as_string . ' is a ' . gettype($int_as_string) . "\n";

You could also take advantage of PHP's implicit type conversion and string interpolation:

$int = 5;
echo $int . ' is a '. gettype($int) . "\n";

$int_as_string = "$int";
echo $int_as_string . ' is a ' . gettype($int_as_string) . "\n";

$string_int = $int.'';
echo $int_as_string . ' is a ' . gettype($int_as_string) . "\n";

Finally, similar to the above, any function that accepts and returns a string could be used to convert and integer. Consider the following:

$int = 5;
echo $int . ' is a '. gettype($int) . "\n";

$int_as_string = trim($int);
echo $int_as_string . ' is a ' . gettype($int_as_string) . "\n";

I wouldn't recommend the final option, but I've seen code in the wild that relied on this behavior, so thought I'd pass it along.

Solution 5

Warning: the below answer is based on the wrong premise. Casting 0 number to string always returns string "0", making the code provided redundant.

All these answers are great, but they all return you an empty string if the value is zero.

Try the following:

    $v = 0;

    $s = (string)$v ? (string)$v : "0";
Author by


Updated on July 13, 2022


  • kman99
    kman99 almost 2 years

    Is there a way to convert an integer to a string in PHP?

  • karim79
    karim79 about 15 years
    So incredibly strange that we both picked 5. Also, + is java.
  • jason
    jason about 15 years
    I think you're mixing up your concatenation syntax between languages there.
  • Frank Farmer
    Frank Farmer about 15 years
    I'd lean toward casting, simply because it makes your intentions abundantly clear. Casting has one and only one purpose: to change types. The other examples may almost look like mistakes, in some contexts.
  • Chris Thompson
    Chris Thompson about 15 years
    Good point. I threw in some mysql_escape_string functions in there to clean it up.
  • Admin
    Admin over 13 years
    $foo = 5; $foo = "$foo" extremely waistfull for memory in PHP use ''.
  • Kzqai
    Kzqai almost 13 years
    edited since mysql_escape_string is deprecated since it ignores charset.
  • Yash Kumar
    Yash Kumar about 12 years
    Here is a live version - link
  • freaky
    freaky over 11 years
    if we have those values, then will it be 55 or 10?
  • Chris Thompson
    Chris Thompson over 11 years
    @freaky: $var + $var = 10, $var . $var = "55". "." is the string concatenation operator while "+" is the addition operator.
  • chacham15
    chacham15 over 9 years
    @Kzqai for anyone who looks at this example to try and avoid injection attacks, I'd say abandon your attempts at escaping strings and use prepared statements
  • Chris Thompson
    Chris Thompson over 9 years
    After 5 years I finally removed the SQL example as it was unnecessary to answer the question and introduced confusion.
  • Kim Hogeling
    Kim Hogeling over 9 years
    Here is a benchmark, for the examples in the answer:…
  • Admin
    Admin about 9 years
    Note that the question specifically says 'converting an integer', not a float. :)
  • itsjavi
    itsjavi about 8 years
    "in most cases PHP will decide whats good for you" amazing :,)
  • Elzo Valugi
    Elzo Valugi almost 8 years
    I don't think that PHP will coerce an integer to string all the time. It will do it for strlen(12345); but not for $x = 12345; echo $x[2]; All these casting functions are quite useful and lots of programmers are checking their types more and more.
  • mindsupport
    mindsupport over 7 years
    How is about 0 as string ? $var =0;
  • danielson317
    danielson317 over 5 years
    Warning!! If you pass in certain numbers php will round them when converting to string: strval(0.999999997) returns 1.
  • nintyfan
    nintyfan over 5 years
    Correct the mistake, please. The correct form should be: $s = (string)$v ? (string)$v : "0";
  • Peter Mortensen
    Peter Mortensen almost 5 years
    Re "string": literally or the type? Or something else? Can you make it more clear (by editing your answer)?
  • Kaushik shrimali
    Kaushik shrimali almost 5 years
    Thanks for the comment@ Peter Mortensen That is the return type "STRING" means your value should be converted as a string in a new variable. so that's why I edited string
  • Marwan Salim
    Marwan Salim over 3 years
    The trim() function removes whitespace and other predefined characters from both sides of a string Although it returns string it's a bad practice. It's better to use strval() or number_format() perhaps.
  • Lacek
    Lacek about 3 years
    var_dump((string)0); prints string(1) "0" on PHP 5.5.9 (Released: 6 Feb 2014) for me. Which version of PHP did you get "an empty string if the value is zero"?
  • JEX
    JEX over 2 years
    What do you mean by wasteful? ``` $foo = 5; $foo = "$foo"; ``` This code is just overwriting int value with string, of course, it's not the answer but what's wasteful?
  • ADJenks
    ADJenks over 2 years
    Can anyone provide a reason to choose a cast over a function call or vice versa?
  • Admin
    Admin over 2 years
    As it’s currently written, your answer is unclear. Please edit to add additional details that will help others understand how this addresses the question asked. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
  • Your Common Sense
    Your Common Sense about 2 years
    It doesn't seem like an answer but rather a question.