Converting dict object to string in Django/Jinja2 template


You need to convert the fav_colors list back to JSON. Probably the easiest way to do this would be with a quick template filter:

def to_json(value):
    return mark_safe(simplejson.dumps(value))

So now you could do

<option value="{{ c.fav_colors|to_json }}">

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I enjoy programming in Python &amp; JavaScript.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • userBG
    userBG almost 2 years

    If you use Django or Jinja2, you've probably ran into this problem before. I have a JSON string that looks like this:


    Now I want to pass this to my Jinja2 template:

    j = json.loads('<the above json here>')
    self.render_response('my_template.html', j)

    ...and iterate it like this:

    {% for p in data recursive %}
            <option disabled>{{ }}</option>
            {% for c in p.children %}
                <option value="{{ c.fav_colors|safe }}">{{ }}</option>
            {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}

    This is where I'm having the problem: everything works except Jinja2 outputs unicode encoded values for c.fav_colors. I need c.fav_colors as a valid javascript array so that I can access it from javascript. How can I get Jinja to print that value as ascii text like: ['blue','red'] instead of [u'blue', u'red'] ?

    • jpic
      jpic over 12 years
      No </option> closing tag ? Also, why not [{% for item in c %}"item"{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}] ? This is what templates are for after all: converting python values into whatever needs the view.
  • userBG
    userBG over 12 years
    duh! of course. but I'm actually using Jinja2 with webapp2 so now I need to find out how to do '@register.filter' part for Jinja.
  • userBG
    userBG over 12 years
    Thank you. I can't believe I didn't think of that :-)
  • userBG
    userBG over 12 years
    If anybody's wondering how I did this in webapp2: just lookup Jinja2 in webapp2 docs, then do something like this in the BaseHandler class: j=jinja2.get_jinja2( j.environment.filters.update({'to_json': to_json})
  • Rohit Banga
    Rohit Banga over 11 years
    I had to use escape(mark_safe(simplejson.dumps(value))) in order to make it work. I was using this as part of the data attribute of li element in HTML and dynatree would not parse it correctly if I don't use escape.