CouchDB dump to file and load from file


Solution 1

As said, you should use the " and not the as argument of the -H option

If you are a Linux or MacOSX user you can use the couchdb-dump tool, which basically works on bash shell.

It dumps the database on a local file (ASCII text file), formatted as requested by

Then you can restore it with the bulk document upload or with the couchdb-dump restore tool included in the package.

This is the link to the tool:

But you can find other tools also:

Solution 2

You can use the following command line to convert the output of the curl command to the “docs” structure that the _bulk_docs requires:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:5984/mydatabase/_all_docs?include_docs=true' | jq '{"docs": [.rows[].doc]}' | jq 'del(.docs[]._rev)' > db.json

jq is the name of an excellent command line processor very useful (i.e. in this situation).

Hope it helps.

Solution 3

The reason for your actual error is that you're using instead of plain ASCII " around your -H argument on the command line.

However, the real solution here is to just copy the <DATABASE_NAME>.couch file from the /path/to/var/lib/couchdb directory from one server to the other.

Solution 4

As alternative solution, you may use couchdb-load and couchdb-dump utilities from couchdb-python project.

Solution 5

Nolan from the PouchDB team makes some great tools. These will work well to dump and load from CouchDB (including attachments):




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Author by


Updated on February 07, 2022


  • eriq
    eriq over 2 years

    I cannot replicate between two couchdb servers, so I would like to dump to file from one server and load from file into the other server.

    I used this statement to dump and it worked fine:

    curl -X GET http://localhost:5984/<DATABASE_NAME>/_all_docs?include_docs=true > FILE.txt

    But when I used this statement to load:

    curl -d @FILE.txt -H “Content-Type: application/json” -X POST http://localhost:5984/<DATABASE_NAME>/_bulk_docs

    it failed like this:

    curl: (6) Could not resolve host: application; Host not found {"error":"bad_content_type","reason":"Content-Type must be application/json"}

    Any ideas?

    • user3526
      user3526 over 9 years
      will this backup the revisions of each of the documents ?
  • eriq
    eriq almost 12 years
    I tried to copy the *.couch files first, but after tying to access the database entries, I received the error, that the database was build with a wrong Erlang version.
  • eriq
    eriq almost 12 years
    sure! How do I accept? Never the less it was a good and correct answer. I'm obviously not too familiar with this system.
  • Niels Abildgaard
    Niels Abildgaard almost 10 years
    It seems a pretty small task to use a tool for. The cURL commands worked perfectly for me :)
  • Michael Allan Jackson
    Michael Allan Jackson about 8 years
    Your example using jq was very helpful, thank you! I also found one of my files was too large to load, and chunking using jq did the trick: cat db.json | jq '{"docs": .docs[0:30000]}' > db.0-30000.json; cat db.json | jq '{"docs": .docs[30000:]}' > db.30000-.json
  • Michael Allan Jackson
    Michael Allan Jackson about 8 years
    Is there a way to include the revisions?
  • Roberto
    Roberto about 8 years
    Yes, of course, just drop the | jq 'del(.docs[]._rev)' part that removes the revisions. Is that what you need? Note that you wont be able to restore the file if you include the revisions, AFAIK.
  • Michael Allan Jackson
    Michael Allan Jackson about 8 years
    I tried that and many of the records get an error "error":"conflict","reason":"Document update conflict." as described here: . I also tried adding "new_edits": false field described in that link, but in that case zero records were loaded without error.
  • Roberto
    Roberto about 8 years
    Sorry Michael, I didn't realize you're talking about the import, not the export. That's exactly the reason why I removed the _rev fields in the first place, because of the document conflict. I don't know very much about the way MVCC (multiversion version concurrent control) is handled in CouchDB, so I can't help too much here as I haven't got the need to store more than the current version of the documents. Regards
  • Max Lobur
    Max Lobur almost 8 years
    Warning: those do not work with python 3.x (TypeError: write() argument must be str, not bytes)
  • Max Lobur
    Max Lobur almost 8 years didn't work for me :( sed magic inside produces invalid jsons even on a simple docs
  • Kxepal
    Kxepal almost 8 years
    @MaxLobur why not to report about that here ? (;
  • John LaBarge
    John LaBarge over 7 years
    @MaxLobur same here.
  • Daniele B
    Daniele B over 7 years
    @MaxLobur on what OS?
  • Max Lobur
    Max Lobur over 7 years
    @DanieleB El Capitan