count the number of occurrences of a certain value in a dictionary in python?


Solution 1

As mentioned in THIS ANSWER using operator.countOf() is the way to go but you can also use a generator within sum() function as following:

sum(value == 0 for value in D.values())
# Or the following which is more optimized 
sum(1 for v in D.values() if v == 0)

Or as a slightly more optimized and functional approach you can use map function by passing the __eq__ method of the integer as the constructor function.

sum(map((0).__eq__, D.values()))


In [15]: D = dict(zip(range(1000), range(1000)))

In [16]: %timeit sum(map((0).__eq__, D.values()))
49.6 µs ± 770 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)

In [17]: %timeit sum(v==0 for v in D.values())
60.9 µs ± 669 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)

In [18]: %timeit sum(1 for v in D.values() if v == 0)
30.2 µs ± 515 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)

In [19]: %timeit countOf(D.values(), 0)
16.8 µs ± 74.1 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)

Note that although using map function in this case may be more optimized, but in order to have a more comprehensive and general idea about the two approaches you should run the benchmark for relatively large datasets as well. Then, you can use the most proper approach based on the structure and amount of data you have.

Solution 2

Alternatively, using collections.Counter:

from collections import Counter
D = {'a': 97, 'c': 0 , 'b':0,'e': 94, 'r': 97 , 'g':0}

# 3

Solution 3

You can count it converting it to a list as follows:

D = {'a': 97, 'c': 0 , 'b':0,'e': 94, 'r': 97 , 'g':0}

Or iterating over the values:

print(sum([1 for i in D.values() if i == 0]))

Solution 4

That's a job for operator.countOf.

countOf(D.values(), 0)

Benchmark with your example dictionary:

1537 ns  1540 ns  1542 ns  Counter(D.values())[0]
 791 ns   800 ns   802 ns  sum(value == 0 for value in D.values())
 694 ns   697 ns   717 ns  sum(map((0).__eq__, D.values()))
 680 ns   682 ns   689 ns  sum(1 for value in D.values() if value == 0)
 599 ns   599 ns   600 ns  sum([1 for i in D.values() if i == 0])
 368 ns   369 ns   375 ns  list(D.values()).count(0)
 229 ns   231 ns   231 ns  countOf(D.values(), 0)

Code (Try it online!):

from timeit import repeat

setup = '''
from collections import Counter
from operator import countOf
D = {'a': 97, 'c': 0 , 'b':0,'e': 94, 'r': 97 , 'g':0}

E = [
    'sum(value == 0 for value in D.values())',
    'sum(map((0).__eq__, D.values()))',
    'sum(1 for value in D.values() if value == 0)',
    'sum([1 for i in D.values() if i == 0])',
    'countOf(D.values(), 0)',

for _ in range(3):
    for e in E:
        number = 10 ** 5
        ts = sorted(repeat(e, setup, number=number))[:3]
        print(*('%4d ns ' % (t / number * 1e9) for t in ts), e)

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Mainly focusing on mobile development and always up for new challenges!

Updated on December 16, 2021


  • RowanX
    RowanX over 2 years

    If I have got something like this:

    D = {'a': 97, 'c': 0 , 'b':0,'e': 94, 'r': 97 , 'g':0}

    If I want for example to count the number of occurrences for the "0" as a value without having to iterate the whole list, is that even possible and how?

    • Peter Wood
      Peter Wood over 6 years
      sum(1 for value in D.values() if value == 0)
    • Mazdak
      Mazdak over 6 years
      @PeterWood Or even better: sum(value == 0 for value in D.values())
    • Peter Wood
      Peter Wood over 6 years
      @Kasramvd that relies upon automatic conversion of a boolean to an integer, which isn't as clear, in my opinion
    • Jean-François Fabre
      Jean-François Fabre over 6 years
      @PeterWood on the contrary. Booleans are integers.
    • Peter Wood
      Peter Wood over 6 years
      @Jean-FrançoisFabre type(True) != type(1)
    • Jean-François Fabre
      Jean-François Fabre over 6 years
      boolean is an integer subclass. 1==True even if not the same class (numerical types are ok): isinstance(True,int) is True
    • Peter Wood
      Peter Wood over 6 years
      1 == True, 2 != True, bool(2) == True
    • Terry Jan Reedy
      Terry Jan Reedy over 6 years
      In part, boolean are integers so that they can summed as in @k
  • juanpa.arrivillaga
    juanpa.arrivillaga over 6 years
    Probably better because generators tend to be a bit slower.
  • juanpa.arrivillaga
    juanpa.arrivillaga over 6 years
    In fact, I'm getting %timeit sum([value == 0 for value in D.values()]) as faster than the generator expression version.
  • Mazdak
    Mazdak over 6 years
    @juanpa.arrivillaga Definitely but the interesting part is that (0).__eq__ is not a built-in function and yet it performs better with map. That means the drawback of generators (extra function calls, __next__, etc) is more influential than passing a non-built-in function to map.
  • juanpa.arrivillaga
    juanpa.arrivillaga over 6 years
    Also, the creation of the actual generator object might have more overhead than the creation of the map object, and with a dict this small, it would make a difference
  • Kelly Bundy
    Kelly Bundy over 2 years
    sum(1 for value in D.values() if value == 0) is likely faster. But I'd say countOf is really the best way.
  • Mazdak
    Mazdak over 2 years
    @KellyBundy Yup, seems like some new under the hood optimizations. The countOf is also the best way tho.
  • Kelly Bundy
    Kelly Bundy over 2 years
    With under the hood optimizations, are you talking about the sum(1 ... if)? I think that mostly benefits from fewer values transferred to and processed by sum, same reason as this. Especially when the value appears very rarely, like in your test data.