Crashlytics in iOS won't proceed past "Build Your Project" in Fabric app


Solution 1

Moving from Comment to Answer.

Mike from Fabric here. If you back up through the Mac app, then click on the arrow in the top-left, click on "+ New App", that will walk you through re-adding everything.

Solution 2

Go into Build settings of the your target. Find "Debug Information Format". Set this from "DWARF" in both debug and release to "DWARF with dSYM File"

Solution 3

If you check the resource navigator you may see the following message:

"DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT should be set to dwarf-with-dsym for all configurations. This could also be a timing issue, make sure the Fabric run script build phase is the last build phase and no other scripts have moved the dSYM from the location Xcode generated it. Unable to process at path"

Go to Build Settings and search for "Debug Information Format". Ensure "Debug" is set to "DWARF with dSYM File".

Without the dSYM file Fabric won't work.

Solution 4

As for Xcode 10.2.1, the automated installation via Fabric Mac app won't work anymore. New apps cannot be added via the New App Step-by-step guide.

You have to follow the manual installation instructions. Download and add the 2 frameworks into your Xcode workspace, then add the Run Build Script phase (and related Fabric codes), then build the App. Last (very important), run the app in an actual device.

Once the App is successfully launched, the new App information will be available in the Fabric dashboard as well as the Fabric Mac App (needs to relaunch the App to see the new app).

Here are the steps:

  1. Download the 2 frameworks
  2. Drag to your project where your App Delegate is (make sure ticked "Copy items if needed")
  3. Compile the project / workspace in Xcode
  4. Add the "Run Script Phase" as instructed here; note that Xcode 10+ requires an extra configuration at Input Files
  5. Add the required import and initialization codes in App Delegate
  6. Add the Fabric API keys in Info.plist
  7. Compile again
  8. Run the App in a real device. You will see the line Crashlytics in the Xcode log. If no log appears, checks if your active scheme contains OS_ACTIVITY_MODE settings. Set it to default if the current setting is disabled.
  9. If the Crashlytics line appears, that means the manual installation is working; you will see your App appearing at Fabric online dashboard.

Solution 5

If the script is not running, you may have checked the "run script only when installing" in the run script section. I hope it helps

Author by


Updated on July 05, 2022


  • wanderingme
    wanderingme almost 2 years

    I'm installing Crashlytics for my iOS app. I downloaded it via their site link, and went through all the steps for integrating the frameworks, adding the run script, etc.

    I was experiencing an issue, so I removed the frameworks and decided to start over and try a fresh install. But the Fabric app updated to a newer version, and now when I try to reinstall Crashlytics into my app, it doesn't give me the option to reinstall the frameworks. It goes straight from clicking "install" to the "Build your project" screen, which I cannot pass.

    To help configure your project, please build it now by pressing ⌘B

    I press ⌘B, it builds and nothing happens. I think the issue is because I removed the Crashlytics and Fabric frameworks from my project, but I can't see a way to add them back again. The Fabric app doesn't give me that option.

  • Alix
    Alix about 9 years
    I have related problem. I had project at old mac. added fabric created build with Beta and all that good stuff. as mentioned in dos. dont copy framework in project. I didnt. project run fine on old mac. but when I clone repo to another mac. I just can compile. My app shown in the list on new mac tho. its stuck on "To help configure your project, please build it now by pressing ⌘B" as I cant build because fabric.h is missing. any suggestion for me? i tried using add new app. get error screen says can add. contact support :(
  • Mike Bonnell
    Mike Bonnell about 9 years
    Sounds like something was corrupted when getting the new files in. Using my answer above should help fix it on the new machine as well without affecting anything else.
  • Alix
    Alix about 9 years
    I tried adding new app where it already showing my app in list. First thing that I never had that project in new machine. if its reading from fabric website fine. but then I get stuck on build and spinner is spinning waiting project to get compile which it wont as Fabric.h is missing. And its happening with all the projects. as soon as I clone repo somewhere else except host machine(where fabric was added to project). All are broken.
  • Mike Bonnell
    Mike Bonnell about 9 years
    Yea, that sounds like there could be hardcoded paths breaking the path to the underlying framework or symlinks are being broken.
  • Alix
    Alix about 9 years
    is there anything on Fabric website related to that? All I could find out was support email and with free account how much support I am going to get. I am not sure about that :(. Any pointer for me. which direction I should go ?
  • Mike Bonnell
    Mike Bonnell about 9 years
    We're actively supporting Fabric Alix and all accounts are free! Drop me a note, I'm waiting for it.
  • Alix
    Alix about 9 years
    I have sent msg. referring this post and chatting with you here.
  • onmyway133
    onmyway133 about 9 years
    @MikeB can we just create app on the web and use Cocoapods, I don't like the Fabric Mac app
  • berilcetin
    berilcetin about 9 years
    Have you guys solve this problem yet? I have the same problem, and cannot follow your steps above cause I cannot build my app due to "framework not found Fabric" error. And also definitely love to have Fabric in Cocoapods.
  • Mike Bonnell
    Mike Bonnell about 9 years
    Can you drop me a note at support@ with more details on how your project is setup and what frameworks you have included?
  • raddevus
    raddevus over 8 years
    Same kind of problem on the Android side in 12/14/2015 -- six months after being reported on iOS.…
  • Dmitry
    Dmitry over 8 years
    Doesn't help as well.
  • Mike Bonnell
    Mike Bonnell over 8 years
    @Dmitry happy to help sort out what's going on. Did you also post at TwitterCommunity?
  • JRam13
    JRam13 over 8 years
    Wow. I just spent an hour trying to debug this, and this was the reason why.
  • Ryan
    Ryan about 8 years
    The bit about the Fabric app not responding, thought it had crashed but I just wasn't patient enough.
  • Jake T.
    Jake T. over 6 years
    This was all I needed to do! Much simpler than recreating a new app and reinstalling everything...
  • tp2376
    tp2376 over 5 years
    I used Fabric in my App .. is it possible to add Fabric in my SDK that i am using for my App as well ?
  • Mark
    Mark over 5 years
    Thank you! This is the fix for Xcode 10 and Mojave!
  • Codetard
    Codetard over 5 years
    And it has to be at line #1
  • Bogdan Razvan
    Bogdan Razvan over 5 years
  • Shayne
    Shayne over 5 years
    Has there been a solution found to this? I can't progress any further :(
  • Shayne
    Shayne over 5 years
    Yep this did it for me. This really ought go in the instructions,.
  • Mike Bonnell
    Mike Bonnell over 5 years
    @Shayne if you're still hitting issues after trying the various solutions in the thread it's best to contact support(at)fabric(dot)io so the team can assist.
  • Shayne
    Shayne over 5 years
    We moved onto a different solution. We just dont have the time or money to debug other peoples products. Particularly if we're supposed to trust that product to test our own products. If it can't install, its not in the running.
  • Mike Bonnell
    Mike Bonnell over 5 years
    You should use whatever tool and platform best suits your needs. The circumstances that can cause this problem are not present if you use Crashlytics via Firebase which is the recommendation given Fabric's upcoming retirement in 2019.
  • pavan309
    pavan309 over 5 years
    This should be part of the documentation. Thanks a lot.
  • haik.ampardjian
    haik.ampardjian about 5 years
    This answer needs to be marked as correct one instead!
  • zioolek
    zioolek about 5 years
    This makes Fabric app to crash with xcode 10 and Mojave
  • Samuel Noyes
    Samuel Noyes about 5 years
    This is the correct answer, really wish it was higher. Took me way too long trying the answers above.
  • skofgar
    skofgar about 5 years
    setting the build target to "Generic iOS Device" and probably setting the Debug Information Format to "DWARF with dSYM File" actually solved the problem for me
  • Raptor
    Raptor about 5 years
    Not to forget this ~/Library/Caches/ as well
  • Ibrahim
    Ibrahim almost 5 years
    I have done as the instruction. Still not working. other suggested solution are also not working. you have any idea?
  • Raptor
    Raptor almost 5 years
    I have added the steps in my answer. hope it helps.
  • Fred Vollmer
    Fred Vollmer almost 5 years
    This is a great example of how the world would grind to a halt without SO. While I love trying to figure things out for myself, I'm not sure I would EVER have landed on this solution.
  • emiliomarin
    emiliomarin almost 5 years
    Hi @Raptor I figured something was not working with the newest Xcode version... I followed your steps and I see in the logs stuff like: [Crashlytics] Version 3.13.4 (143) [Crashlytics] Running on iPhone10,6, 12.2.0 (16E227) [Fabric] Initialized with kit versions: { "com.twitter.answers.ios" = "1.4.1"; "com.twitter.crashlytics.ios" = "3.13.4"; "io.fabric.sdk.ios" = "1.10.2"; } ` [Fabric] settings downloaded successfully` .... But still doesn't show on my dashboard
  • Raptor
    Raptor almost 5 years
    It should show in Fabric dashboard. Make sure you choose the right app in the dashboard.
  • Pigpocket
    Pigpocket almost 5 years
    Running the app on the device is critical. To also get my first crash report, it was necessary to implement the code that force crashes and then redeploy to the device (as opposed to reopening the app on the device itself), as relaunching the app via XCode is what sends the crash report.
  • atulkhatri
    atulkhatri almost 5 years
    That's a better answer than Mike from fabric..
  • Aanchal Chaurasia
    Aanchal Chaurasia over 4 years
    This is not working for me. Can anyone suggest, what else can be done here to solve this problem? Thanks
  • Yevgeniy Leychenko
    Yevgeniy Leychenko over 3 years
    In Xcode 12 it's called "Based on dependency analysis". It started working for me when I have UNCHECKED it.