Create HTML form from XML


I JUST ran across this site the other day, maybe it's what you're looking for...

Good Luck!

Mark Pope
Author by

Mark Pope

CTO at limber.

Updated on January 18, 2020


  • Mark Pope
    Mark Pope over 4 years

    I have a number of different xml files that I need to edit from an html form. I want the form to be generated dynamically (the files could any valid xml structure) and I want to save the modified xml content back to the database in the same structure.

    I've seen a few examples of using XSLT when you know the structure of the xml, but in this case I don't.

    So, two real points:

    1. How do I dynamically create an html form from an unknown xml structure
    2. How do I save the modified content back to the same xml structure
  • Mark Pope
    Mark Pope over 13 years
    That looks like exactly the kind of thing I'm after, is it available as a library?
  • Troy Moon
    Troy Moon over 13 years
    @Scobal: Sorry, but I really don't know anything about it. I just happened to stubble across it the other day.