Create node from markup string


Solution 1

There's not an existing cross-browser function for this. The following method can be used to achieve the desired effect (using a DocumentFragment for an optimized performance, based on this answer):

function appendStringAsNodes(element, html) {
    var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
        tmp = document.createElement('body'), child;
    tmp.innerHTML = html;
    // Append elements in a loop to a DocumentFragment, so that the browser does
    // not re-render the document for each node
    while (child = tmp.firstChild) {
    element.appendChild(frag); // Now, append all elements at once
    frag = tmp = null;

Usage (indention for readability):

   "<table><tbody><tr><td><input type='text' value='0' /></td></tr></tbody></table>"

Solution 2

Yes, you can do that.

var myNewTable = document.createElement("table");
myNewTable.innerHTML = "<tbody><tr><td><input type='text' value='0' /></td></tr></tbody>"

Solution 3

some news on this topic:

the modern approach is to use the <template> tag, which you place e.g. before the body closes (the browser will ignore it).

it's a standardization of client side templating, and doesn't need to use .innerHTML, which could lead to security issues (XSS)


<template id='tplArticle'>
  <article class='newsItem'>
    <h1 class='title'></h1>
    <p class='paragraph'>

whenever you need it, you just grab its content and clone (!!) it to reuse it:

// .content will grab the content of the template, not the <template> tag
// this will return a document fragment
const $articleFragment = document.querySelector('#tplArticle').content;

// clone it, otherwise you get the same reference and it won't be reusable (true makes a deep copy)
const $article = document.importNode($articleFragment, true);

// then e.g. append it to the body
vulcan raven
Author by

vulcan raven

Updated on July 21, 2022


  • vulcan raven
    vulcan raven almost 2 years

    Is there a way to convert markup string to node object in JavaScript? Actually I am looking for the subsitute for:

    document.getElementById("divOne").innerHTML += "<table><tbody><tr><td><input type='text' value='0' /></td></tr></tbody></table>"

    something like

    document.getElementById("divOne").appendChild(document.createNodeFromString("<table><tbody><tr><td><input type='text' value='0' /></td></tr></tbody></table>"))

    using createNodeFromString rather creating the table element then append its child elements then attach their respective attributes and values!

  • Rob W
    Rob W about 12 years
    Older IE versions will complain about this, because they cannot handle setting the innerHTML property on some elements, including <table>. See also this article.
  • faebster
    faebster over 2 years
    ah, just seen your post now, sorry for adding it myself, I've tried to be a bit more detailed though... btw you can add the language of the code (to format it) by adding the language name after the 3 backticks
  • vulcan raven
    vulcan raven over 2 years
    Nice and efficient, thanks! suggests that we should just use it in this day and age.
  • faebster
    faebster over 2 years
    also nice to check out: WebComponents: (<template>, <slot>, Shadow DOM, Custom Elements) 2) for functional programming friends like me: great article whether to use functional or OOP for WebComponents (or in general)