Create short hash in PHP


Solution 1

If you want to be assured of never having a collision, your best bet is to maintain a database of valid hashes and compare against that database when generating new hashes.

If you think you will have a high volume, you may want to pre-generate the hashes so that you have a "haystack" of them ready to use. Some people do this with random numbers because hardware random number generators can only produce numbers at a certain rate.

Solution 2

The shortest useful hash algorithm would be md5. Md5 generates 16 bytes=128 bit hash. if you use base 64 encoding, that is, 6 useful bits per byte/char.

You should be able to reduce the md5 to 22 characters (leaving the trailing padding introduced by b64).

This has an added advantage of using the same for legal filenames. You will have to substitute the default / and + characters with any other symbol which does not clash with file naming convention of your os.

Base64 (by replacing / and +) ensures your hash does not mess up the url with special characters.

Solution 3

You can use substr on a SHA1 or MD5. The chance of a collision with a substr'd hash is the same as a hash that's designed to be the shorter length.

Or if all you really want is to generate a unique key, you can do something like this:

define('KEY_CHARS', 'acefghjkpqrstwxyz23456789'); // characters which cannot be confused phonetically or by bad handwriting

function generateKey($len = 8) {
    $k = str_repeat('.', $len);
    while ($len--) {
        $k[$len] = substr(KEY_CHARS, mt_rand(0, strlen(KEY_CHARS) - 1), 1);
    return $k;
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Updated on July 02, 2022


  • PeeHaa
    PeeHaa about 2 years

    This has been asked numerous times here on SO. But I haven't found a solution for my problem.

    I want to create a short hash (let's say max 8 chars) for an invitation system. I cannot use base[X] encoding because that would be too easy to guess. I cannot just trim extra characters of e.g. an MD5 hash, because I think the problem of collisions will come up at some time then.

    Is there a solution for this?

  • Boann
    Boann over 12 years
    @OliCharlesworth: It's random? Gotta be better than the old md5(rand().uniqid().time()) code one sees thrown around.
  • Oliver Charlesworth
    Oliver Charlesworth over 12 years
    @Boann: If you want unique, the only way to achieve this is to store details about previously-generated IDs.
  • Boann
    Boann over 12 years
    @Juhana @OliCharlesworth: Hmmm, okay. OP could add an incrementing integer to it each time he generates an invitation. E.g., $invitationKey = generateKey() . '.' . (++$invitationNumber). Then it's both unguessable and unique.