Create table with Foreign Collection Field


Solution 1

So the exception message was designed to help here. To quote it with the class names removed:

Foreign collection class ContentItem for field contentItens column-name does not contain a foreign field of class PhytoterapicItem

That looks to be the case. Whenever you have ForeignCollection, the class contained by the collection must have a foreign field back to the parent class.

In your case, PhytoterapicItem extends the DomainItem class which has a ForeignCollection of ContentItem objects. That means that ContentItem must have a foreign field of type PhytoterapicItem. Otherwise, how would ORMLite know which of the ContentItem items in the table are associated with a particular PhytoterapicItem.

The example of Account and Order objects in the foreign collection documentation may help you with your schema. Each Account has a foreign collection of Order objects. Whenever you query for an Account a separate query is performed to find the collection of Order objects that correspond to a particular Account. That means that each Order has to have a foreign Account object.

Solution 2

It took me a while to notice/understand this critical block from the docs (

Remember that when you have a ForeignCollection field, the class in the collection must (in this example Order) must have a foreign field for the class that has the collection (in this example Account). If Account has a foreign collection of Orders, then Order must have an Account foreign field. It is required so ORMLite can find the orders that match a particular account.

The reason I was confused is because I didn't find any example code (in docs or example projects) where the "contained class" references the class with the collection. It is described verbally, but given the nature of the relationship - for some the description I think can be a bit tricky to follow when seeing it the first few times.

As listed above in the original question (which is how I finally got the idea to try the solution I stumbled upon), the example block below seems to be the correct way to map a one-to-many collection relationship in OrmLite.

In addition, there is a note about how the collection-holder class needs to be set into the collection element class.

Here are the main steps to take care of:

A. In the class that has the collection (DomainItem in this case), annotate collection field this way:

@ForeignCollectionField(eager = true)

B. In the class that is contained in the collection (ContentItem in this case), you must have an explicit reference back to the parent class that contains the collection:

@DatabaseField(foreign = true) protected DomainItem domainItem;

C. Before persisting ContentItem, you must save the DomainItem to that ContentItem in order to set the foreign key back to DomainItem:



I figured this out when my collection wasn't being retrieved initially. I looked at the table for ContentItem, and the DomainItem_id was never set there.


public class DomainItem {

    @DatabaseField(generatedId = true)
    protected long id;

    @ForeignCollectionField(eager = false)
    protected ForeignCollection<ContentItem> contentItens;

    // ...

public class ContentItem {

    @DatabaseField(generatedId = true)
    protected long id;

    @DatabaseField(foreign = true)
    protected DomainItem domainItem;

    public void setDomainItem(DomainItem domainItem) {

       this.domainItem = domainItem;
Author by


A big enthusiast and passionate for technology. Graduated in Computer Science in the Federal University of Viçosa, works with web development since 2010, both in personal and professional projects. Acts as technical leader and relates with customers. Always tries to bring innovation to the working environment and leads the team into following good design patterns. Also responsible for interfaces creation and user experience improvement.

Updated on July 15, 2022


  • Munir
    Munir almost 2 years

    I have this abstract class:


    abstract public class DomainItem {
        @DatabaseField(generatedId = true)
        protected long id;
        @ForeignCollectionField(eager = false)
            protected ForeignCollection<ContentItem> contentItens;
        //getters and setters


    abstract public class ContentItem {
        @DatabaseField(generatedId = true)
        protected long id;
        @DatabaseField(foreign = true)
        protected DomainItem domainItem;
        protected String content;
        //getters and setters

    And these (no abstract):

    public class PhytoterapicItem extends DomainItem{
        public PhytoterapicItem(){


    @DatabaseTable(tableName = "phytoterapiccontent")
    public class PhytoterapicContent extends ContentItem {
        @DatabaseField(canBeNull = false)
        private String defaultName;
        @DatabaseField(canBeNull = false)
        private String scientificName;
        //getters and setters

    In my DatabaseHelper I trying create the tables:

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db, ConnectionSource connectionSource) {
        try {
            Log.i(TAG, "onCreate");
            TableUtils.createTable(connectionSource, PhytoterapicContent.class);
            Log.i(TAG, "Created table PhytoterapicContent");
            TableUtils.createTable(connectionSource, PhytoterapicItem.class);
            Log.i(TAG, "Created table PhytoterapicItem");

    The table PhytoterapicContent is created. But I got the follow error:

    java.sql.SQLException: Foreign collection class for field 'contentItens' column-name does not contain a foreign field of class