Creating a Blocking Queue


Solution 1

See here:

What do I get from front() of empty std container?

Bad things happen if you call .front() on an empty container, better check .empty() first.


T pop() {
    T value;
    if( !this->queue_.empty() )
        value = this->queue_.front();  // undefined behavior if queue_ is empty
                                       // may segfault, may throw, etc.
    return value;

Note: Since atomic operations are important on this kind of queue, I'd recommend API changes:

bool pop(T &t);  // returns false if there was nothing to read.

Better yet, if you're actually using this where it matters, you probably want to mark items in use before deleting in case of failure.

bool peekAndMark(T &t);  // allows one "marked" item per thread
void deleteMarked();     // if an item is marked correctly, pops it.
void unmark();           // abandons the mark. (rollback)

Solution 2

The problem should lay here:

while(!itemQueue.empty()) {

You reserve the mutex when checking of a value is left, then you release the mutex and it might happen that another thread is executed, finds out that a value is left and pops it. In the worst case no item is left afterwards and the first thread tries to pop while no element is left.

The solution is to make the front/pop calls on the internal queue in the same section than the check for empty in the same locked section, then the behavior would always be defined.

Another suggestion would be to use std::lock_guard when working with mutex because it improves the readability and does ensure that the mutex is released no matter what happens.

Considering the fact those two advice, your pop method could look like:

T pop() {
    std::lock_guard lock(this->mutex_); //mutex_ is locked
    T value;
    if( !this->queue_.empty() )
        value = this->queue_.front();
    return value;
} //mutex_ is freed

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Chris Redford
Author by

Chris Redford

PhD, Computer Science

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Chris Redford
    Chris Redford almost 2 years

    Sometimes this implementation and execution of BlockingQueue just works. Sometimes it segfaults. Any idea why?

    #include <thread>
    using std::thread;
    #include <mutex>
    using std::mutex;
    #include <iostream>
    using std::cout;
    using std::endl;
    #include <queue>
    using std::queue;
    #include <string>
    using std::string;
    using std::to_string;
    #include <functional>
    using std::ref;
    template <typename T>
    class BlockingQueue {
        mutex mutex_;
        queue<T> queue_;
        T pop() {
            T value = this->queue_.front();
            return value;
        void push(T value) {
        bool empty() {
            bool check = this->queue_.empty();
            return check;
    void fillWorkQueue(BlockingQueue<string>& workQueue) {
        int size = 40000;
        for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    void doWork(BlockingQueue<string>& workQueue) {
        while(!workQueue.empty()) {
    void multiThreaded() {
        BlockingQueue<string> workQueue;
        thread t1(doWork, ref(workQueue));
        thread t2(doWork, ref(workQueue));
        cout << "done\n";
    int main() {
        cout << endl;
        // Multi Threaded
        cout << "multiThreaded\n";
        cout << endl;
    • Admin
      Admin almost 10 years
      If it segfaults, I assume you could get the line of code where it happens? Might just be helpful to know...
    • UldisK
      UldisK almost 10 years
      What happens if you check if the itemQueue is empty, then let other thread do some work and then pop() an item?
    • Flexo
      Flexo almost 10 years
      This question has enough code that anyone can try it out and see for themselves where the problem is. There isn't much superfluous code either, so it's not far off a textbook SSCCE and certainly answerable.
    • Casey
      Casey almost 10 years
      @Flexo I have a hard time believing that "Where is the bug in this program?" could ever be a good question.
    • Flexo
      Flexo almost 10 years
      Happy to explain my thinking on this one further on meta or in chat if you like, but please let's avoid chatting in comments.
  • Admin
    Admin almost 10 years
    @πάνταῥεῖ Actually, I just eschew std:: and C++ myself. Far rather work with C++/CLI, C#, C, Java, anything really except for vanilla C++ and STL. Any language defining exception as an unsafe misfeature deserves a miss in my book. I mean who implements an empty queue read as segfault?!
  • πάντα ῥεῖ
    πάντα ῥεῖ almost 10 years
    To implement Lock/Unlock sequences this way in c++ is error prone (and may be in other languages), since it's not exception safe. You can either use one of the std:lock_guard idioms provided by the c++ standard, or roll you own, if necessary easily!
  • Chris Redford
    Chris Redford almost 10 years
    @ebyrob I agree on the API change. It is a good solution to avoiding the "what to use as the default value" problem.
  • πάντα ῥεῖ
    πάντα ῥεῖ almost 10 years
    +1 Just mention a standard or custom auto locker mechanism, and your answer should be perfect, though of the low quality question!
  • Admin
    Admin almost 10 years
    And what happens if itemQueue is empty? segfault, or exception, or undefined behavior. I believe the std::queue.front() behavior is the surprise here not that threads preempt each other. If you had mentioned it explicitly I wouldn't have bothered with an answer.
  • πάντα ῥεῖ
    πάντα ῥεῖ almost 10 years
    @ebyrob this->mutex_.lock()/this->mutex_.unlock(); You shouldn't do this directly! Use an appropriate scoped construction/destruction idiom instead!
  • Chris Redford
    Chris Redford almost 10 years
    Okay @πάνταῥεῖ. I do agree that using unique_lock<mutex> lock(this->mutex_) results in more readable code.
  • Theolodis
    Theolodis almost 10 years
    @ebyrob I am talking about the pop method he implemented.
  • Admin
    Admin almost 10 years
    @Theolodis T value; Seriously? It seems like you copy-pasted my code.
  • Admin
    Admin almost 10 years
    @πάνταῥεῖ Sorry for being slow, I had to think about this a bit. You seem to attribute those 2 lines of code to me just because I kept them in my answer. I, very clearly, copy-pasted them from the question. Being a bit of an outsider to C++, it was very clear to me the misunderstanding about how .front() works. So, I chose to highlight pitfalls I am familiar with. I don't really know enough about lock_guard to comment. So I won't. Really, with std::string the only exception possible is out of memory. That should probably be fatal in most simple programs anyway.
  • Killzone Kid
    Killzone Kid over 6 years
    did you mean std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(this->mutex_);?
  • Theolodis
    Theolodis over 6 years
    @KillzoneKid depends on the mutex type you use.