Creating multiple sheets using Apache poi and servlets


When you loop through the dataset, you are wanting to split at row 1000 to start a new sheet, which is fine, however when you start the new sheet, the next row you create is row 1001 (the outer loop index variable)

myRow = mySheet.createRow(rowNum);

To get the effect you wish, change the loop to be something like this:

int currentRow = 0;
for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < excelData.size(); rowNum++) 
  ArrayList<String> rowData = excelData.get(rowNum);

  if(currentRow == 1000)
    sheetName = "Document-" + (rowNum/1000);
    mySheet = myWorkBook.createSheet();
    currentRow = 0;
  myRow = mySheet.createRow(currentRow);
  for (int cellNum = 0; cellNum < rowData.size(); cellNum++) 
    myCell = myRow.createCell(cellNum);


I haven't compiled this, so I don't know if it'll work right away, but it should point you in the right direction.


Thinking about this further, you could get the same effect from making a 1 line change to the original application (albeit losing a little bit of clarity):

myRow = mySheet.createRow(rowNum%1000);
Author by


Updated on June 23, 2022


  • spt
    spt about 2 years

    When i am creating multiple sheets using Apache poi and servlets. It is creating the sheet but not writing the data to file. I am trying to write the first 1000 records to sheet1 and next 1000 to sheet2 through below code, but not working

    private void writeDataToExcelFile(String string,
            ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> excelData, OutputStream outputStream) {
        HSSFWorkbook myWorkBook = new HSSFWorkbook();
        String sheetName = "";
        sheetName = "Document-" + 0;
        HSSFSheet mySheet = myWorkBook.createSheet();
        HSSFRow myRow = null;
        HSSFCell myCell = null;
        for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < excelData.size(); rowNum++) {
            ArrayList<String> rowData = excelData.get(rowNum);
            if(rowNum>0 && rowNum%1000 == 0)
                sheetName = "Document-" + (rowNum/1000);
                mySheet = myWorkBook.createSheet();
            myRow = mySheet.createRow(rowNum);
            for (int cellNum = 0; cellNum < rowData.size(); cellNum++) {
                myCell = myRow.createCell(cellNum);
        System.out.println("Last row:" + mySheet.getLastRowNum());
        System.out.println("Row number:" + mySheet.rowIterator().next().getRowNum());
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {

    What is wrong with my logic.Please do the needful help. Thanks

  • spt
    spt over 10 years
    No this is giving error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid row number (-999) outside allowable range (0..65535)
  • Crollster
    Crollster over 10 years
    Sorry, it's been a long day. Have updated last line - this time it should work.
  • spt
    spt over 10 years
    It is working fine, but the header(columns names) are not adding to new sheet
  • Crollster
    Crollster over 10 years
    Every time you create a new sheet, add the excelData.get(0) row at row 0. Easy :-) you already have the code there to do it.
  • spt
    spt over 10 years
    I want to remove the sheet, if there was no data. I am doing like this int index=0; if(sheet.getLastRowNum()==1) { index = myWorkBook.getSheetIndex(sheet); myWorkBook.removeSheetAt(index); } this is correct approach
  • Crollster
    Crollster over 10 years
    Probably. Looks reasonable to me, however I've never actually used Apache POI before. Why don't you ask a new question on this matter?
  • spt
    spt over 10 years
    How to reduce the download time in servlets. when i am downloading a excel from servlet it is taking much time.Actually after adding the cellstyle it is taking much time
  • Crollster
    Crollster over 10 years
    Faster internet connection? Have you determined the time taken to generate the file, compared to the time taken to download it? ie. are you sure it's the downloading that is taking the longer time?
  • Crollster
    Crollster over 10 years
    Are you running this on an AWS micro instance? This might cause you problems, since these instances can have their CPU usage throttled if it goes too high for too long.