css class active after page reload


You can use child selector which selects all direct child elements, Try the following:

    $(".cssmenu > ul > li").click(function () {

If you want to select the li tags of the inner ul tags, you can try:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("ul:eq(1) > li").click(function() {
       $('ul:eq(1) > li').removeClass("active");

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Hélder Gonçalves
Author by

Hélder Gonçalves

Software Engineer with interest in .Net, C# and PL/SQL.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Hélder Gonçalves
    Hélder Gonçalves about 2 years

    i'm having some trouble. I'm doing an asp.net mvc3 application and i downloaded some css menu, the thing is i want to keep the menu active after menu tab its clicked and only change when another one is clicked.

    here's the code of the menu on _Layout.cshtml

    <div class="cssmenu">
                        <li class='active'><span>@Html.ActionLink("Início", "Index", "Home")</span></li>
                        <li><span>@Html.ActionLink("Tarefas Contabilidade", "SelectEmpresa", "Empresa")</span></li>
                        <li><a href='#'><span>Clientes</span></a>
                                <li><span>@Html.ActionLink("Listar clientes", "ListarEmpresas", "Empresa")</span></li>
                         <li><a href='#'><span>Balancetes</span></a>
                                <li><span>@Html.ActionLink("Listar registos", "ListaBalancetesPorSalaoMes", "Balancete")</span></li>
                        <li><span>@Html.ActionLink("Sobre", "About", "Home")</span></li>

    and i have this script:

     <script type="text/javascript">
                        $("li").click(function () {

    the first tab that i put there class= "active" works, but the script doesn't seem to work when i click another menu tab, it only shows the first one active a little help please :)


    This is the rendered html:

               <div class="cssmenu">
                        <li><span><a href="/">In&#237;cio</a></span></li>
                        <li><span><a href="/Empresa/SelectEmpresa">Tarefas Contabilidade</a></span></li>
                        <li><a href='#'><span>Clientes</span></a>
                                <li><span><a href="/Empresa/ListarEmpresas">Listar clientes</a></span></li>
                                <li><span><a href="/Salao/ListaSalaoByEmpresa">Listar sal&#245;es</a></span></li>
                                 <li><span><a href="/Salao/ListaEmpregadosBySalao">Gerir empregados</a></span></li>                           
                                <li><span><a href="/Empresa/Create">Novo cliente</a></span></li>
                                <li><span><a href="/Salao/Create">Novo sal&#227;o</a></span></li>   
                         <li><a href='#'><span>Balancetes</span></a>
                                <li><span><a href="/Balancete/ListaBalancetesPorSalaoMes">Listar registos</a></span></li>
                                <li><span><a href="/Balancete/UploadFile">Upload novo balancete</a></span></li>
                                <li><span><a href="/Balancete/GraficoBalancetePorSalao">Mapa Resultados/Gr&#225;fico</a></span></li>
                                <li><span><a href="/Balancete/MapaEstruturaRendimentoseGastos">Mapas Contabilidade/Gest&#227;o</a></span></li>
                                <li><span><a href="/Balancete/MapasGestao">An&#225;lise Rentabilidade</a></span></li>
                                <li><span><a href="/Balancete/alteraTaxas">Alterar taxas</a></span></li>
                        <li><span><a href="/Home/About">Sobre</a></span></li>

    i dont know if i should put the javascript inside the div or something xD


    • Manoz
      Manoz almost 11 years
      your question misguides people, I was here for active menu-item after page reloads.
  • Hélder Gonçalves
    Hélder Gonçalves almost 12 years
    only works when i click Clientes/Balancetes... the ones that have "child menus".. in the other menu tabs its not working :S
  • Hélder Gonçalves
    Hélder Gonçalves almost 12 years
    this one does the active effect but doesnt redirect to any href, so only the effect anot redirecting anywhere
  • Hélder Gonçalves
    Hélder Gonçalves almost 12 years
    still nothing, the application reads this _layout.cshtml everytime it reloads the page, dunno if it will help anywhere
  • Hélder Gonçalves
    Hélder Gonçalves almost 12 years
    just the main/top ones, not the sub menu.. i mean if i select the top 5, i want to keep them active when im on that "section" and only change when i select another
  • Hélder Gonçalves
    Hélder Gonçalves almost 12 years