csv parser reading headers


Solution 1

We have withHeader() method available in CSVFormat. If you use this option then you will be able to read the file using headers.

CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.newFormat(',').withHeader();
Map<String, Integer> headerMap = dataCSVParser.getHeaderMap(); 

will give you all headers.

public class CSVFileReaderEx {
    public static void main(String[] args){

    public static void readFile(){
         List<Map<String, String>> csvInputList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
         List<Map<String, Integer>> headerList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();

         String fileName = "C:/test.csv";
         CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.newFormat(',').withHeader();

          try (BufferedReader inputReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(fileName)));
                  CSVParser dataCSVParser = new CSVParser(inputReader, format); ) {

             List<CSVRecord> csvRecords = dataCSVParser.getRecords();

             Map<String, Integer> headerMap = dataCSVParser.getHeaderMap();

             for(CSVRecord record : csvRecords){
                 Map<String, String> inputMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();

                 for(Map.Entry<String, Integer> header : headerMap.entrySet()){
                     inputMap.put(header.getKey(), record.get(header.getValue()));

                 if (!inputMap.isEmpty()) {


          } catch (Exception e) {

Solution 2

Please consider the use of Commons CSV. This library is written according RFC 4180 - Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files. What is compatible to read such lines:


And the use is quite simple, there is just 3 classes, and a small sample according documentation:

Parsing of a csv-string having tabs as separators, '"' as an optional value encapsulator, and comments starting with '#':

 CSVFormat format = new CSVFormat('\t', '"', '#');
 Reader in = new StringReader("a\tb\nc\td");
 String[][] records = new CSVParser(in, format).getRecords();

And additionally you get this parsers already available as constants:

  • DEFAULT - Standard comma separated format as defined by RFC 4180.
  • EXCEL - Excel file format (using a comma as the value delimiter).
  • MYSQL - Default MySQL format used by the SELECT INTO OUTFILE and LOAD DATA INFILE operations. TDF - Tabulation delimited format.

Solution 3

Have you considered OpenCSV?

Previous question here...

CSV API for Java

Looks like you can split out the header quite easily...

String fileName = "data.csv";
CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(fileName ));

// if the first line is the header
String[] header = reader.readNext();

// iterate over reader.readNext until it returns null
String[] line = reader.readNext();
Author by


Updated on January 03, 2022


  • Avinash
    Avinash over 2 years

    I'm working on a csv parser, I want to read headers and the rest of the csv file separately. Here is my code to read csv.

    The current code reads everything in the csv file, but I need to read headers separate. please help me regarding this.

    public class csv {
    private void csvRead(File file)
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(file));
        String strLine = "";
        StringTokenizer st = null;
        File cfile=new File("csv.txt");
        BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(cfile));
        int tokenNumber = 0;
        while( (strLine = br.readLine()) != null)
                st = new StringTokenizer(strLine, ",");
                        writer.write(tokenNumber+"  "+ st.nextToken());
                tokenNumber = 0;
        catch(Exception e)
  • Jimmy Obonyo Abor
    Jimmy Obonyo Abor over 6 years
    nice , really nice