Cucumber Features and Step Definitions


Solution 1

Cucumber always loads all files and I don't think that there is a way to override this behavior. Regarding your problem with ambiguous steps - the solution is easy - add parameters to your steps

Then /^(?:|I )should see "([^"]*)"$/ do |text|
  page.should have_content(text)

And in scenarios just call it like this

Then I should see "PARTNER CONTENT"

  • free bonus - your scenario is now much more readable

Solution 2

I don't see anything wrong with the alternative approach that you suggested. Separating out the step definitions into logical domains makes sense. However, it seems like you may be trying to take it too far, and that's going to lead to a good deal of duplicated code and issues with ambiguous matches like you're seeing now. I'd recommend doing something like this:

Feature: Add partner
  As an administrator I can add a new partner

  Scenario: Create partner
    Given I am logged in
    When I create a partner
    Then I should see "partner content"

And, similarly, in your event feature:

Then I should see "event content"

Then you could the following in a separate step_definitions/common_steps.rb file:

Then /I should see "(.*)"$/ do |content|
   BROWSER.html.should include(content)

This step doesn't have anything partner/event specific about it. Instead, the scenarios contain the data-specific strings for your features.

If you are working on a Rails app, the cucumber-rails gem will actually create a bunch of common steps for web application testing for you. Even if you aren't using Rails, it might be useful to take a look at some of these steps.

Author by


I am a Bristol based, freelance web developer. I build websites using Drupal or Zend Framework in an Agile way, and then test them using Selenium. I am Scrum Master Certified (CSM), which means I do a bit project management every now and again.

Updated on June 13, 2022


  • JonB
    JonB almost 2 years

    I am new to Cucumber testing.

    I have created two features files:


    and have my step definitions in a step_definitions folder:


    It seems that Cucumber looks in all the .rb files for the step information.

    Is there anyway of restricting the feature to look at a specific step definition file?

    The reason as to why I want to do this, is because I am getting Ambiguous match errors, even when I use the --guess flag.

    The reason as to why I want to do this is for the following reasons. I am testing a CMS, and want to test each of the different content types (events & partners) in separate features.


    Feature: Add partner
      As an administrator I can add a new partner
      Scenario: Create partner
        Given I am logged in
        When I create a partner
        Then I should see content


    Feature: Add event
      As an administrator I can add a new event
      Scenario: Create event
        Given I am logged in
        When I create an event
        Then I should see content

    Just focusing on the 'then I should see content' which is in both scenarios, the error occurs because in the .rb files I need to include:


    Then /^I should see content$/ do
      BROWSER.html.should include('SOME PARTNER CONTENT')


    Then /^I should see content$/ do
      BROWSER.html.should include('SOME EVENT CONTENT')

    which means there is an Ambiguous match of "I should see content".

    I understand there are different ways of structuring this, i.e. I could create a content feature, and use scenario outlines:

    Feature: Add content
      As an administrator I can add a new content
      Scenario Outline: Create content
        Given I am logged in
        When I create an <content type>
        Then I should see <example content>
        |event   |March Event | 
        |partner |Joe Blogs   | 

    But I don't want to do this because I want to encapsulate each content type in their own test feature.

    So essentially I need to work out how to run specific step files according to the feature I am testing.

  • Zach Inglis
    Zach Inglis almost 13 years
    I agree with this way. It's a lot more expressive too, as your steps should be.