CursorLoader not updating after data change


Solution 1

Did you call setNotificationUri(ContentResolver cr, Uri uri) on the Cursor before returning it in ContentProvider.query()?

And did you call getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null) in the 'insert' method of your ContentProvider?


To get a ContentResolver call getContext().getContentResolver() in your ContentProvider.

Solution 2

Also check if you call somewhere cursor.close(), because in this case you unregister the content observer which was registered by CursorLoader. And the cursor closing is managed by CursorLoader.

Solution 3

Accepted answer was the little bit tricky to understand so I am writing the answer to make it easy for other developers..

  1. Go to the class in which you have extended the ContentProvider
  2. Find the query() method which has the following syntax

    public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder)

  3. Write this line where you are returning the cursor

    cursor.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri); return cursor;

In the end, my query method looks like this

public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) {

    Cursor cursor;
    cursor = noticeDbHelper.getReadableDatabase().query(
    //This line will let CursorLoader know about any data change on "uri" , So that data will be reloaded to CursorLoader
    cursor.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri);
    return cursor;
Author by


Updated on December 06, 2020


  • akalipetis
    akalipetis over 3 years

    I have created a small application, trying to understand the functionality of the LoaderManager and CursorLoader-classes.

    I have implemented LoaderCallbacks<Cursor> on my FragmentActivity-class and everything works fine, except the fact that when I update my data via ContentResolver.update() or ContentResolver.insert()-methods, onLoadFinished() is not called and as a result my data doesn't update.

    I have a custom ContentProvider and I am wondering if the problem is in my ContentProvider not notifying that the data changed or something else.

  • akalipetis
    akalipetis over 12 years
    Thanks for the fast reply!Seems like this is the problem, how can I get a ContentResolver from the ContentProvider to put it in setNotificationUri()? EDIT: I found it, just use getContext().getCntentProvider()
  • Blundell
    Blundell about 11 years
    Annoying that this isn't mentioned when I followed the android dev docs to create a content provider
  • Dororo
    Dororo almost 11 years
    Also, you should NOT call cursor.close() at ANY point in onLoadFinished else you will not receive any further updates to the underlying dataset.
  • reubenjohn
    reubenjohn over 9 years
    Does the URI passed to the setNotificationUri() match that of the notifyChange() URI exactly, or does simply have to have the same authority or something?
  • thaussma
    thaussma over 9 years
    The URIs have to be equal.
  • ban-geoengineering
    ban-geoengineering over 9 years
    YES, YES, YES!! Wish I'd seen this Q&A 24 hours ago - but still very happy to have finally got this nailed!
  • f470071
    f470071 over 8 years
    @Herrmann Is there something else one should be aware of. Namely: I call both setNotificationUri(ContentResolver cr, Uri uri) and notifyChange(uri, null) with the same URI. Yet my list view is not updated.
  • thaussma
    thaussma over 8 years
    Hmm, do you use a custom cursor? Have you implemented a ContentProvider?
  • f470071
    f470071 over 8 years
    @Herrmann Please take a look at….
  • Nicolás Carrasco-Stevenson
    Nicolás Carrasco-Stevenson about 7 years
    This was the missing link in my implementation
  • Sergey Dirin
    Sergey Dirin about 6 years
    And you should use getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null) whenever you update your data. I mean insert update delete.