Custom Events is not showing up on firebase dashboard at all


Analytics events are sent to Firebase every hour or so, try using debug view instead

Anirudh Sharma
Author by

Anirudh Sharma

I started with nothing, and I still have most of it.

Updated on December 01, 2022


  • Anirudh Sharma
    Anirudh Sharma over 1 year

    I cant see any update on firebase analytics dashboard. Also any example could help

    That's my setup.

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
         FirebaseAnalytics analytics=new FirebaseAnalytics();
         FirebaseAnalyticsObserver observer=new FirebaseAnalyticsObserver(analytics: analytics);
        return GraphQLProvider(
          client: client,
          child: CacheProvider(
            child: MaterialApp(
              debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
              title: 'Baseball',
              theme: themedata(),
              navigatorObservers: <NavigatorObserver>[observer],
              home: getWidgetByRouteName(hasRoute,analytics,observer),
              routes: <String, WidgetBuilder>{
                '/season': (BuildContext context) => Season(),
                '/signInGraphQL': (BuildContext context) => SignInGraphQL(),
                '/teamSelect': (BuildContext context) => Team(),
                '/teamDetails': (BuildContext context) => TeamDetails(),
                '/phone': (BuildContext context) => Phone(),
      ///directs app to the last opened page before closing application
      static Widget getWidgetByRouteName(bool hasRoute,analytics,observer) {
        // Put all your routes here.
        if (hasRoute) {
          return SignInGraphQL();
        } else {
          return SplashPage(analytics:analytics,observer:observer);

    Also is there any working example available that would be helpfull and here is onclick button event.

    class Button extends StatelessWidget {
      final FirebaseAnalytics analytics;
      final FirebaseAnalyticsObserver observer;
      Future<void> _sendAnalyticsEvent() async {
        await analytics.logEvent(
          name: 'test_event',
          parameters: <String, dynamic>{
            'string': 'string',
            'int': 42,
            'long': 12345678910,
            'double': 42.0,
            'bool': true,
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return SizedBox(
          height: 70,
          width: double.infinity,
          // height: double.infinity,
          child: InkWell(
            onTap: () {
              FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser().then((user) {
                if (user != null) {
                   print("Firebase IdToken: "+token);

    Terminal is not showing up any error. But i can't see any updates on firebase dashboard. Any suggestions?? thanks