Custom ListViewItem in ListView


Solution 1

Here is another example:

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication14.Window1"
        Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
        <Button Content="Show Selected Computer" Click="Button_Click" DockPanel.Dock="Top"/>

        <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding}"
                 SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedComputer, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Window}}">
                    <DockPanel Margin="2">
                        <Rectangle Fill="Gray" Width="32" Height="32" DockPanel.Dock="Left"/>
                        <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>

Code Behind:

public partial class Window1 : Window
    public Window1()

        DataContext = Enumerable.Range(1,10)
                                .Select(x => new ComputerInfo()
                                    Name = "Computer" + x.ToString(),
                                    Ip = "192.168.1." + x.ToString()


    public ComputerInfo SelectedComputer { get; set; }

    private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Data Item:

public class ComputerInfo
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Ip { get; set; }


enter image description here

Solution 2

Look dude, I made a simple "File Explorer" example in a couple of lines of XAML in 5 minutes.

There is NO need to create your own ListViewItem or anything like that. WPF is NOT winforms. You need to understand this.

I already explained this to you. UI is Not Data.


<Window x:Class="WpfApplication14.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
    <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding}">
            <Style TargetType="ListViewItem">
                <Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="{Binding IsSelected}"/>

                            <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding IsSelected}"/>
                <GridViewColumn Header="Name" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Name}"/>
                <GridViewColumn Header="Size">
                            <TextBlock x:Name="Size" Text="{Binding Size}"/>
                                <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsFile}" Value="False">
                                    <Setter TargetName="Size" Property="Text" Value="[Directory]"/>
                <GridViewColumn Header="Path" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path}"/>

Code Behind:

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()

        var path = @"C:\";

        var dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(path)
                            .Select(x => new DirectoryInfo(x))
                            .Select(x => new FileViewModel()
                                Name = x.Name,
                                Path = x.FullName,
                                IsFile = false,


        var files = Directory.GetFiles(path)
                               .Select(x => new FileInfo(x))
                               .Select(x => new FileViewModel()
                                   Name = x.Name,
                                   Path = x.FullName,
                                   Size = x.Length,
                                   IsFile = true,

       DataContext = dirs.Concat(files).ToList();


Data Item:

public class FileViewModel: INotifyPropertyChanged
    private bool _isSelected;
    public bool IsSelected
        get { return _isSelected; }
            _isSelected = value;

    public string Name { get; set; }
    public long Size { get; set; }
    public string Path { get; set; }
    public bool IsFile { get; set; }
    public ImageSource Image { get; set; }
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
        if (handler != null) handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));


enter image description here

Do you see? There is no need to overcomplicate anything. WPF has everything you need to do anything.

Murhaf Sousli
Author by

Murhaf Sousli

Updated on June 14, 2022


  • Murhaf Sousli
    Murhaf Sousli almost 2 years

    possible ways to show item in ListViewItem WPF

    Update: enter image description here

    that's the control i need to add to the ListView, in here i only need to display the Computer Name, still the item should hold the Computer Address

    enter image description here

    later, i will need ListView with Items that represent Files and Folders which will have : Name, Path, Size, Icon, IsFile properties.

    so this's what I'm dealing with right now, im stuck in listView which i didn't expect to happen when i switched to WPF