Custom MarshalJSON() never gets called in Go


In this part of the code, ms gets copied into an interface{} variable:

// Trying another method (UNSUCCESSFUL)
if ret, err := json.Marshal(ms); err != nil {

The problem is that this variable does not implement the json.Marshaler interface, since MarshalJSON is not in the method set for myStruct (only for *myStruct).

The fix is to either (a) make your MarshalJSON method take a non-pointer receiver (which will mean it gets a copy of the struct: possibly costly if it is large), or (b) marshal a pointer to the struct (as Kavu mentioned in a comment).

The reason for this behaviour is that Go doesn't let you take a pointer to the value stored inside an interface variable, instead requiring you to make a copy of the value whenever you want to access it. While the language has syntactic sugar to convert ms.MarshalJSON() into (&ms).MarshalJSON() as a way to access the method with a pointer receiver, this can not be done for a value stored in an interface variable. For this reason, the method is not considered to be in its method set.

Anders Sjöqvist
Author by

Anders Sjöqvist

Educations in Business and Computer Science. Currently working with development at a startup in Beijing, China.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Anders Sjöqvist
    Anders Sjöqvist almost 2 years

    I've written custom versions of MarshalJSON and UnmarshalJSON. My UnmarshalJSON gets called the way I want it to, but I can't get it to work with MarshalJSON. Here's code that summarizes my problem:

    package main
    import (
    type myStruct struct {
        Data string `json:"data"`
    func (s *myStruct) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
        return []byte(`{"data":"charlie"}`), nil
    func (s *myStruct) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
        // Insert the string directly into the Data member
        return json.Unmarshal(b, &s.Data)
    func main() {
        // Create a struct with initial content "alpha"
        ms := myStruct{"alpha"}
        // Replace content with "bravo" using custom UnmarshalJSON() (SUCCESSFUL)
        if err := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBufferString(`"bravo"`)).Decode(&ms); err != nil {
        // Use custom MarshalJSON() to get "charlie" back (UNSUCCESSFUL)
        if err := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout).Encode(ms); err != nil {
        // Trying another method (UNSUCCESSFUL)
        if ret, err := json.Marshal(ms); err != nil {
        } else {
        // Verify that the Marshaler interface is correctly implemented
        var marsh json.Marshaler
        marsh = &ms
        ret, _ := marsh.MarshalJSON()
        fmt.Println(string(ret)) // Prints "charlie"

    In short, the program encodes the struct "automatically" in two ways, and then finally calls MarshalJSON manually. The response I want is "charlie". Running the code generates the following output:


    Try it at Go Playground:

  • Valerio
    Valerio almost 10 years
    very instructive, &myStruct{} is a life-saving pattern