Customize Authentication - Login Symfony2 Messages


Solution 1

You can use translation. In parameters.ini set locale to your language and create message file. Then in twig template use:

{% if error %}
    <div class="error">{{ error.message|trans({},'messages') }}</div>
{% endif %}

Solution 2

There is another possibility if you don't want to use translations. You can just replace the message, for example:

{{ error.message | replace({"Bad credentials." : "Invalid username or password."}) }}
Francisco Ochoa
Author by

Francisco Ochoa

ARTPOP. Lianne La Havas.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Francisco Ochoa
    Francisco Ochoa almost 2 years

    So I'm reading the security chapter of Symfony2 Book. I understand everything, but I'd like to customize the error message if a there is a login error.

    In which file can I change this?

    This is the template:

    {% if error %}
        <div>{{ error.message }}</div>
    {% endif %}
    <form action="{{ path('login_check') }}" method="post">
    <label for="username">Username:</label>
    <input type="text" id="username" name="_username" value="{{ last_username }}" />
    <label for="password">Password:</label>
    <input type="password" id="password" name="_password" />
        If you want to control the URL the user is redirected to on success (more details below)
        <input type="hidden" name="_target_path" value="/account" />
    <input type="submit" name="login" />

    I believe the worst way of doing this would be something like:

    if (error.message=="Bad credentials")
        echo "Los datos son erróneos :)"
    if (error.message==The presented password is invalid")
        echo "La combinación username/password no es correcta :)"

    Would you help me please?

    Edit: I got it working:

    In case someone needs to do this, be sure you add this line to the config.yml

        translator: { fallback: en }

    and put in the file messages.whateverisyourlanguage.yml, in my case, lines like this one:

    Text you want to translate : Translated text

    The presented password cannot be empty.: El campo contrasena no debe estar vacio
    The presented password is invalid.: Los datos suministrados son incorrectos
    Bad credentials: Los datos suministrados son incorrectos

    Be careful with the text you want to translate. If the text has a dot at the end, you have to put the dot. I wasn't doing that and it wasn't working.

    footranslate. is different than footranslate

    Greetings! :)

  • Francisco Ochoa
    Francisco Ochoa about 12 years
    Well thanks. Now, where can I find all of the error messages a login form should throw? I believe I have to put exactly the message that will appear on the message file, so I could translate them all, but I'm not sure which messages are them.
  • jkucharovic
    jkucharovic about 12 years
    There are only few messages – check out exception messages in files located in ./vendor/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Security/Core/Authent‌​ication/Provider/
  • Francisco Ochoa
    Francisco Ochoa almost 12 years
    There are messages here too: vendor\symfony\src\Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User‌​Checker.php